(Volume 2 Finale) Chapter 8: Long Live the King

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(3rd Person POV)

Maina and Miana: Mothra was the reason we survived.


The Atlesian Airships touched down in front of the Houtua Tribe in Vacuo, before the doors opened up revealing Atlesian Soldiers, Robots and General Ironwood. The tribe wielding their weapons, got ready to attack but the General held his hand up.

Ironwood: I am General Ironwood of the Atlesian Military and I ask you to please hand over the child that posses the blood of Mothra.

The tribe members began to mumble to themselves as the Young Olympia, who was up on a deck in her palace as her mother covered her mouth in shock and horror and her father gritted her teeth. By the young princess' side, was the twin priestesses of the Houtua Tribe, Maina and Miana, both standing at around 4ft 9 inches, Maina with a bow on her back. The former of the twins, gritted her teeth.

Maina: Why do you want her majesty!?

Ironwood: The blood she possess is dangerous. She MUST be locked away if this world has a chance of surviving.

Maina: But she is only a 10 year old child! You can't just-

Ironwood: I can and I will, if it means ensuring the safety of our lives.

Maina clenched the bow on her back tightly as Miana, the calmer and gentler of the two tried to defuse the situation.

Miana: Please! You have it all wrong! Mothra is the protector of Remnant and all life on it. She would never-

Ironwood: You don't know that. Mothra is just as dangerous as all the other Guardian Beasts. I assure you, we won't harm her. She will just be kept in an underground laboratory where she can never hurt anyone. She even won't be alone as King Ghidorah and Iris will be with her.

Miana looked to the King and Queen, only to see the former furious and the latter nearly in tears. Maina continued to glare at the General as Miana regained her composure.

Miana: What are your orders, Sir?

The King, without hesitation took up his spear, spreading open his massive moth wings.


The rest of the tribe roared in response as they charged the General and his forces. Ironwood sighed before gesturing for his men and robots to begin shooting anyone. They thought they had the upper hand when it came to weapons, but the Houtua Tribe were no slackers when it came to battle, so the Atlesian Military had a good competition. As the battle raged, a male guard approached the King and Queen.

Guard: Sir! Ma'am!

King: Take our daughter and get as far away from here as possible.

Guard: But where should we go?

The Queen regained her commanding persona as she sternly turned to the Guard.

Queen: We have contact with two People from the Kingdom of Vale, Glynda Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin, both from Beacon Academy. We have been in touch with them for a while now. Take Olympia there, but then you need to discard yourself from as far away from the Kingdom as possible.

Guard: Understood ma'am!

Olympia: Mom? Will everything be okay?

The Queen quickly dropped her stern persona in place for her more mother-like one.

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