Chapter 6: Snow White's Grim Prospects

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(DISCLAIMER: This chapter takes place around 2-3 days before the dance. So 2-3 days before Weiss and Lazarus finally confessed to each other. So in the next chapter after this, everything will be back to normal.)

(DISCLAIMER 2: For the final chapters of this Volume, I will be using all of the character's Chapter 3-4 special ops outfits, so for Team RWBY, they'll be in their Slayer, White Pea, Intruder and Hunter outfits and Team LCOC will be in their Reaper, Zero. Devine and Evil God outfits. When Volume 3 starts, they'll all be in their original Volume 1 outfits again.)

(3rd Person POV)

Though Weiss' mind, flashings of her elder sister, Winter Schnee appeared in her mind, mainly of the elder Schnee's physique.

Weiss' thoughts: I want to be strong and dignified like my sister, Winter. That's the first thing I think of any time my cowardice comes to surface.

Weiss was shown hunching over exhausted, holding Myrtenaster.

Weiss' thoughts: Without Myrtenaster, I'm not nearly as effective in combat. And my Summoning ability is nothing compared to hers... It makes me feel pathetic... But I can overcome all that. For power and Semblance, I can train for knowledge, I can study.

A slightly flustered Weiss was shown, with an image of Winter's "perfect" figure.

Weiss' thoughts: But how can I obtain beauty like my sister's...? Yes... especially that figure... How can I look more like her...?

Suddenly, a sleeping Weiss' eyes shot open with a blush and a slightly crazed look as she fantasized about her having a body like Winter's

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Suddenly, a sleeping Weiss' eyes shot open with a blush and a slightly crazed look as she fantasized about her having a body like Winter's


Nearby, Ruby, Yang, Lazarus, Olympia and Cassandra watched with cartoonish sweat dropping down their heads as Weiss began talking crazy in her bed...

Nearby, Ruby, Yang, Lazarus, Olympia and Cassandra watched with cartoonish sweat dropping down their heads as Weiss began talking crazy in her bed

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Yang: H-Hey, why is your partner talking crazy first thing in the morning?

Ruby: I-I don't know...

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