Chapter 2: The Emerald Forest Part 1

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(Lazarus' POV)

Those massive horns from the bull's head was prominent of this Grimm, but what really caught my eye, was its humanoid figure... It roared in anger and bloodlust as it charged at her, my real mother, who wielded twin scythes. Her eyes shined a bright golden color.

Mom: You WILL NOT get anywhere near him!

The blades of her Scythes became engulfed in blue flames as she rushed at the Grimm, clashing attacks with it...


My eyes shot open from the sudden yelling by a girl. When I looked around, I realized that I was in the Ballroom and there was a ginger haired girl screaming and singing at the top of her lungs to this guy with black hair with a streak of magenta in it; he looked like he just wanted to die...

Ginger Hair girl: It's morning! It's morning! It's morning! It's Morning!

My thoughts: I feel oh so sorry for him...

Next to me, Ruby and Yang slept, the former groaning in annoyance while the latter snored in a way that would make Ursai jealous

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Next to me, Ruby and Yang slept, the former groaning in annoyance while the latter snored in a way that would make Ursai jealous.

Ruby: *groans*... Five more minutes...

I shook my head and got up but before I left, I kneeled down to Ruby and Yang before planting gentle kisses on their foreheads. Yang snorted and smiled while Ruby gained a sleepy grin.

Ruby: *still half asleep* Thanks Big Bro... I love you too...

I shook my head with a slight smiled before preparing for the day.


(3rd Person POV)

After having wakened up, Ruby, Yang and Lazarus were in the locker room, preparing their weapons for the initiation that they were going to take part in today. The same duo from before, with the ginger girl and the depressed guy, walked past them.

Yang: You seem awfully chipper this morning!

Ruby: Yep! No more awkward small talk, or "getting-to-know you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do all the talking!

She proceeded to hug Crescent Rose as Lazarus shook his head while crossing his arms

Yang: Well remember Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn how to work together.

Ruby: Ugh, you sound like dad! Okay, first of all, what does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink MILK!

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