Chapter 7: The Red Forest (Slightly Tweeked)

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(Lazarus' POV)

I watched in horror as Weiss struggled to free herself from the horned humanoid Grimm's grasp as more Grimm came out of the breach and into Vale. All I heard were the desperate cries from everyone and the pained yells of Weiss... My hands shook violently as it slowly began to crush her.

Me: No... No...

Everyone: WEISS!!!!!


I jolted awake with a slight gasp... I began to pant heavily I looked around, only to see that I was in my team's dorm room... The girls were all asleep soundly, Cassandra still sleeping in my bed, as she always does... I felt a painful headache... I put my hand on my forehead, only to feel how bad I was sweating... I look at the clock that Olympia added to the room, only to see it was just 3am. I carefully got out of my bed, making sure not to wake up the girls before quickly putting on my normal clothes and leaving. I ended up going outside the school and sitting on one of the benches underneath the Sakura Tree where I talked to Cassandra that one time. I tried to relax but my mind was just caught up about that damned nightmare...

Me: What was that nightmare...? It seemed too real... Why was that Grimm there...? Ugh...

???: Lazarus?

I turned around and saw Weiss walking up to me; she was still in her nightwear.

I turned around and saw Weiss walking up to me; she was still in her nightwear

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Me: Weiss... What are you doing up so early?

Weiss: I should be asking YOU that. But if you must know, I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep.

Me: Oh... Well welcome to the club.

She rolled her eyes before taking a seat beside me. We sat in a comfortable silence. I was looking down at my still slightly shaking hands as the vision of Weiss getting crushed by that Grimm replayed in my head over and over again.

Weiss: Are you okay?

I looked at her, only to see her looking at me with a... surprisingly concerned expression.

Me: Oh um... Yes I am.

Weiss: You don't look okay. You seem like you just saw the world end.

Me: Well maybe I did...

I looked back down at my hands, only to feel some sort of contact on my shoulder. I looked back at Weiss, only to see her hand on my shoulder.

Weiss: Lazarus, you helped me when I needed it, so it's only fair I return the favor. Even though I didn't need your help... Anyways, please at least tell me what's wrong.

I stared deep into her pale sapphire orbs, which showed seriousness and some of her icy personality but also comfort and understanding... I sighed and looked back down.

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