8.01 » uncovering history

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AN INTENSE DANCE SESSION was what Magnolia had needed. She didn't care that she drove home in sweatpants and a sports bra. Her hair was up and her skin was sticky, but at least her mind was less cluttered. Scott was off hatching a plan with Dr. Deaton, Isaac hadn't talked to her, and the mysterious doppelgänger Camellia hadn't made another weird appearance.

She sighed as she unlocked the front door, hoping she could take a short nap. It seemed like she was getting less sleep than ever despite the boys always sending her home in order to keep her safe.

Maggie trudged up the stairs, wondering how to make herself useful in saving Jackson. However, it had to wait because she let out a yelp as soon as she opened her bedroom door.

"Relax," Camellia said. "Just me."

"What do you mean?!" Maggie yelled. "How did you get into my house?"

"You never lock the balcony doors."

"Because we're on the second floor!"

"Yeah, well the tree isn't that hard to climb. Safety first, Maggie."

"What are you doing here?" Magnolia set her backpack down on the floor. Camellia patted the bed, urging Maggie to sit with her. They slipped off their shoes, Adidas for Magnolia, sleek black thigh-high boots for Camellia, and sat across from each other with their legs crossed.

"I need to tell you the whole story. But first I have to tell you who I am. And I need you to keep your questions to a minimum."

"This is scary and you sound like a teacher."

"If you say yes then I might just be." Camellia nodded, mentally asking if Maggie understood. She nodded back. It was a little odd how comfortable she felt around this girl, despite the fact that she'd just broken into her house.

"My name is Camellia Sylvan. You and I are not twins. The reason we have the same last name is," she paused to take a breath, "we're the same person."

"Excuse me, what?" Maggie asked. Her best friend was a werewolf. Nothing should've surprised her anymore.

"When you were 13, Grandma Petunia died so Mother and Father decided to move here. Why did Grandma die?"

"Because she had a heart attack but how do you–"

"It wasn't a heart attack. She was killed."


"It was an Alpha wolf."

"Like Derek?" Maggie asked, instantly realizing Camellia didn't even know him.

"Worse than Derek. This man was truly evil."

"Wait... how do you know about Derek? And the werewolves?"

"I'll get to that. It's a long story." Camellia sighed, knowing it was a lot to think about, even being aware of the supernatural.

"The reason the Alpha killed our grandmother was because she was a powerful dryad/naiad hybrid."

"What is that?" Maggie asked curiously.

"They're types of nymphs, which are guardians of different areas. Dryads are the guardians of the trees. Naiads are the guardians of fresh water ponds. Grandma was the leader of both kinds of nymphs where we lived because of her abilities, and because she promised to protect the nymphs if needed. For a long time, things were peaceful. That is, until the Alpha came into town looking for other werewolves to add to his pack. He found one.

The kid's name was Nathan and he was only fifteen. Nathan's alpha asked Grandma to help protect Nathan because he was afraid his pack couldn't do it alone. So when the evil Alpha wasn't able to get past the nymphs and the werewolves, he gave up. Instead, he grew angry at the extra help that was given to the werewolves. He wanted Grandma gone. So he attacked when she wasn't expecting."

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