8.02 » getting tickets

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THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT WAS BUSY with students arriving for class early in the morning. Magnolia took another bite of the strawberry Poptart that Scott had delivered to her from his mom, who knew the only parents even more busy than herself were Magnolia's. Any form of breakfast was a blessing.

"There's got to be some other way to get tickets, right?" asked Scott worriedly.

"It's a secret show," said Stiles. "There's only one way, and it's a secret."

Matt walked up to the trio, immediately annoying Stiles. "Hey. Either of you guys know why no one's getting suspended after what happened the other day at school?"

"Just forget about it. Nobody got hurt."

"I had a concussion."

"Well, nobody got seriously hurt," Stiles deadpanned.

"I was in the E.R. for six hours."

"Hey, do you want to know the truth, Matt? Your little bump on the head is about this high on our list of problems right now." Stiles put his hand on the ground to make a visual.

Scott ignored Stiles's attitude and look at Matt apologetically. "Are you okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine now. So you didn't get any tickets last night either?"

"Are they still selling?" Scott asked. Maggie's ears perked up in interest. Going to a rave always sounded like fun, but she'd never considered actually attending one. Although now, the circumstances put a damper on her excitement.

"Uh, no, but I managed to find two online. You should keep trying. Sounds like everyone's gonna be there."

Matt walked off in the direction of the school as Maggie muttered, "except us."

Stiles gave them a look. "I don't like him." He turned to Scott, who looked even more worried than usual. "Hey, are you sure about this?"

"Last time, whoever's controlling Jackson had to kill somebody because he didn't finish the job, so what do you think he's going to do this time?"

Stiles sighed. "Be there to make sure it happens."

"Alright, let me know if you find any. I'll pay whatever the price, don't even worry about paying me back," Magnolia offered.

"Did your parents give you your credit card back because they're never home?" Stiles asked.

"Yup, and I'm getting a new car soon. They thought a Toyota wasn't rich enough. Which doesn't make any sense because they drive a Tacoma...?"

"So what're you getting?"

"Probably a BMW or some other car that I don't care about."

"Hey Maggs, can you drive me to school from now on?" Scott asked. Stiles's mouth flew open exaggeratedly. She and Scott laughed at his response and Maggie shook her head.

"I'm gonna go find the girls." She made her way up the steps and into the school. She spotted Lydia on her way to her locker and walked over.

"Good morning!" she chimed, making Lydia smile.

"Morning," she replied. "So, I'm assuming you came to ask what I want this year in my birthday? I know you wanna buy me a cute present in advance."

"Uh... yeah."

"Well I'm not telling you because as my best friend you should know."

Magnolia chuckled at Lydia. "I guess I'm on my own. But just know it'll be the best so far!"

Lydia rolled her eyes playfully. "Sure. Good luck."

"See you in class," Maggie skipped off, waving over her shoulder at her best friend. She turned the corner to walk toward her own locker, hoping Isaac wouldn't be there, but then remembered he was probably already at morning lacrosse practice with Stiles and Scott.

Her eyes landed on his locker, no asshole version of Isaac in sight.

Maggie opened her locker to switch her books out before Allison showed up.

"Morning," she started, "Did Lydia already bombard you with a list of gifts she wants for her birthday?"

Magnolia pursed her lips. "Actually no. She's expecting me to know what she wants because I'm the master of gift giving."

"She has a point," Allison laughed. "I never take off the bracelet you gave me last Christmas."

"Aw really?" she gushed, as Allison lifted her wrist to show her the silver charm bracelet dangling from her slender arm. "While that's flattering I think I raised the bar too high for myself."

"It's a shame you don't have a list of potential presents!" Allison sarcastically exclaimed. She pulled a folded up piece of paper out of her back pocket.

"Please put some space between us before I rip that list into tiny shreds."

"You're feisty today," she teased. "But okay, I'll see you in class!" Allison shot her a last smile before walking off down the hallway.

Magnolia sighed, staring at the mirror in her locker. The practices she'd been having with Camellia to strengthen her powers had taken a toll on her, leaving her with dreadful bags under her eyes. Cam's less-than-polite attitude had started to rub off on her too, considering no one had ever called her feisty.

However, she enjoyed Cam's company over none at all in her lonely home. While she'd be at school, Camellia had full access to her house so she wouldn't have to survive off the nourishments she'd get from harnessing the energy of plants and trees.

Magnolia still didn't quite understand their powers or how Cam had survived on her own, but thinking about it just exhausted her even more.

"Yes you're very pretty but staring at yourself for that long will probably make people think you're vain."

Maggie closed her locker door to reveal Isaac opening his a mere 2 feet away from her.

"Thanks, but pretty girls don't care what others think."

Isaac was taken by surprise, leaving him speechless for a second. He smirked. "So much attitude for someone who's about to save you and your friends' asses."

"What are you talking about?" she questioned, rolling her eyes.

"I," he said reaching into his back pocket, "got the three of you tickets into the rave."

"And how did you manage to do that?" she asked. Isaac only had one ticket in his hand, so she assumed the boys had accepted his offer.

He raised his eyebrow. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Magnolia rolled her eyes and slammed her locker shut. "Listen." She swiped the ticket out of his hand. "Thanks, I'd really love to stay and chat but you're a fucking dick."

She stormed past him without looking back.

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