12.04 » scratching the jeep

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GERARD FELL UNCONSCIOUS in his puddle of black blood. Without a command to follow, the kanima softened his grip around Allison's neck, giving her the chance to elbow it in the head. It stumbled for a second but took her down by the shoulder.

The kanima turned to the rest of them, ready to attack. That is, until Stiles' Jeep came crashing through the wall and sent it flying into the ground.

"Did I get him?" he yelled, sounding both scared and exhilarated. Lydia, who was in the passenger seat screamed as the kanima came out from under and jumped onto the hood of the car. It hissed and he screamed in fear. They both hurried out of the car, Stiles running to Scott and Lydia to the kanima.

"Jackson!" she yelled, trying to get him back. It raised an arm about to slash at her. "Jackson," she repeated.

"Lydia!" Stiles tried to run back to her but Scott held him back.

"Wait," he whispered.

Lydia held out what seemed to be a key. The kanima stopped in its tracks and stared at it curiously. A tear rolled down her cheek at the same time he started to de-shift. The scales around his face began to disappear. His eyes went from reptilian green back to his usual cool blue as they filled with recognition.

Jackson took the key and slowly backed away from her. Derek looked at Peter who bared his fangs, and the two spared no second in sinking their claws into the unsuspecting kanima.

Lydia gasped as Jackson's eyes rolled to the back of his head. She caught him before he fell to the floor. Magnolia watched them, their love, with stinging eyes. Isaac noticed her affliction and placed a hand on her shoulder. She rested hers on top.

Jackson struggled to speak in between breaths. "Do you... do you still—"

"I do," she said with no hesitation. "I do still love you." She nodded and repeated it again, as if she couldn't say it fast enough. "I do, I do still love you. I do. I do. I do still love you, I do."

He lost strength and laid his head on her shoulder, dropping the key with a loud clank in the midst of everyone else's silence. Lydia began to sob, and Maggie couldn't take it. She knelt down next to her best friend and helped her set Jackson down on the floor gently. She then put her arms around Lydia, softly stroking her arm.

"Where's Gerard?" Allison questioned, breaking the silence. They all looked to where his body had been, but he was gone.

"He can't be far," Mr. Argent reassured.

Lydia took Maggie by the hands and stood up. She nodded at her, signifying that she'd be okay. Maggie gave her a small smile and they turned to walk toward their friends.

She noticed Stiles was the first to step forward to console her, but the sound of something scratching the concrete stopped him.

They all looked behind the girls. The two shared a confused look and turned around.

Jackson's eyes opened, revealing the truest blue Magnolia had ever seen.

He stood up, with claws and fangs and pointy ears, and roared his first roar as a werewolf.

Maggie's tears dried and she smiled in relief.

The werewolf features disappeared and Jackson looked at them confused, but looked at Lydia in gratitude. She ran into his arms.

Maggie took a peek at Stiles, who looked on bitterly. He appeared to have a wet spot under his eye, as if he'd cried but wiped it. She looked away, although it didn't hurt as much as it she thought it would.

Scott raised an eyebrows at Stiles.

"Scratched my jeep," he explained.

Magnolia's phone buzzed in her pocket.

camellia 👯‍♀️
I'm here

She giggled to herself, knowing it was better late than never.

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