10.01 » walking into the trap

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MAGNOLIA PLACED HER PHONE on her nightstand after texting Stiles that she'd made it home okay.

Camellia was lounging on the chair in front of Maggie's vanity with a pout on her face.

"A party is my prime time! Next time you're invited, you have to switch with me," Cam insisted.

"Believe me, you didn't wanna be there tonight," said Maggie, grimacing at the events that had happened earlier that night. It was 2 A.M. now, but the girls were wide awake.

"Ooh what happened?" Camellia leaned forward in her chair, intrigued. She pursed her bright red lips.

"Long story short, Stiles found out that I, technically you, kissed Isaac, got upset, and ended up admitting that he likes me."

Camellia gasped. Although she was glad she progressed things between the two, her face twisted into sympathy instead. Maybe she'd done more harm than good. "Sounds like a long night. What did you say?"

"Not much, just that it didn't really seem like it since he's been hooked on Lydia for as long as I've known him."

"And Isaac?"

The question took Maggie by surprise. She wasn't too sure about him. "I don't know. He makes me feel differently than Stiles does but he can be a huge dick."

Cam smirked. "I meant if he knows you kissed Stiles. But nice to know you're thinking of him."

Magnolia's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. It was short lived when a knock at the door startled both girls.

"Maggie are you home?" asked Mrs. Sylvan from behind the door. Camellia immediately jumped from the chair under Maggie's bed.

"Yeah," she yelled back.

"How was Lydia's party?"

"Fine," she lied.

"I'm heading out to work now. Your dad should be home by the morning. Love you, take care!"

"You too!" Maggie responded, relieved her mother hadn't asked to come in. They listened as her footsteps faded when she descended the stairs.

"Fuck, that was close." Camellia climbed out from under, this time sitting on the bed next to Magnolia's reclining legs. Just as she got settled, Maggie's phone rang.

"Okay whoa, who's calling you at two in the morning?" she asked, concerned.

Maggie glanced at the screen, just as puzzled.


Worried it could be an emergency, she picked up in a second.

"Hey Scott."

"Hey Maggs, sorry if I woke you up but we're trying to prove that Matt's the killer and we're getting some evidence together."

"Mmmhmm," she answered, still confused as to how she fit into all this. She shrugged at Cam, who was whispering for her to put Scott on speaker.

"Stiles said you have a picture that proves he was at the rave. We were hoping you could bring it to the police station."

"Oh," she realized. "Right now?"


She bit her lip not wanting to get out of bed, but she knew her friends needed her.

"I'll head right over," Maggie agreed. Camellia scowled, knowing she was yet again left out.

"Great! Thanks Maggie. Drive safe."

"Will do, Scotty." She ended the call. Cam raised her eyebrows.

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