6.01 » dancing at jungle

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AFTER SCOTT FOLLOWED THE KANIMA on foot, Stiles and Magnolia tried to follow him in his Jeep. Eventually they caught up to him at a night club called Jungle. Stiles tapped Scott on his shoulder, making him jump.

"Sorry, sorry," Stiles apogized. "Did you see where he went?"

"I lost him."

"What? You couldn't catch his scent?"

"I don't think he has one," Scott suggested. Stiles seemed to take that into consideration.

"All right. Any clue where he's going?"

"To kill someone," Scott deadpanned.

"Ah. That explains the claws and the fangs and all the– makes perfect sense now."

Scott gave Stiles a that-wasn't-funny look. It really wasn't the best time to be cracking jokes. Stiles looked to Maggie but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"What? Guys come on, I'm one hundred and fourty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bones, sarcasm is my only defense."

"Just help me find it," Scott urged, unamused.

"It's Jackson," Maggie pointed out.

"I know."

"All right but does he know that? Did anybody else see him back at your house?" asked Stiles.

"I don't think so but he already passed Derek's test anyway."

"That's just the thing. How did he pass the test?"

Scott paused for a second. "I don't know."

"Maybe it's like an either-or thing. Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? When's the kanima not the kanima?"

"When it's Jackson," Scott breathed, having an epiphany.

Magnolia thought she'd heard a noise from above them. She almost ignored it, but living in Beacon Hills had taught her better.

She craned her neck to see and almost fell over at the sight. Jackson was trying to sneak into the club in kanima form.

"Uh, guys..." she managed to say.

"You see that?" asked Stiles in disbelief. Just as he did, the kanima managed to slip inside.

"Who would he kill in such a public place?" Maggie wondered outloud.

"I know who he's after," said Scott, slightly panicked.

"What, how? Did you smell something?"


"Danny?" Magnolia questioned.

"Danny," Scott repeated. He took them both by their wrists and pulled them behind the club. Stiles tried the back door but it was locked shut.

"Come on. Maybe there's like a window we can climb through or some kinda–" Stiles was interrupted by Scott prying the handle off the door. "–handle we can rip off with supernatural strength. I did not think of that."

The back door led into a hallway where a line of guys were waiting to use the restroom. Making their way out into the dancing scene, Magnolia noticed only one thing: boys. Boys everywhere.

"Dude everyone in here's a dude!" Scott yelled over the deafening music. "I think we're in a gay club!"

"Man nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh Scott?" yelled Stiles sarcastically from behind them. They turned around to find Stiles surrounded by multiple drag queens. Maggie stifled a laugh but Stiles gave her a look anyway.

Turning around in order to search for Danny on the dancefloor, she ran right into someone's muscular chest. The tall guy had an earring in one ear and shiny black hair tied into a man bun. He had two friends on each side of him, them all smiling down at her.

"Sorry!" Maggie said loudly, feeling very out of place.

"It's okay buttercup!" Man Bun waved it off. "You wanna dance with us and explain why you're in a gay club?"

"Sure!" Magnolia shouted as she followed the boys onto the dancefloor. Turns out, they were all pretty good dancers. Magnolia herself had taken multiple dance classes when she was younger, but ever since moving to Beacon Hills, she decided to dance on her own, occasionally at the community dance studio.

"So what brings you here little lady?" asked Man Bun's blonde friend. Surprisingly, he had an Australian accent.

"I'm looking for a friend!" she shouted over the music. "I have a bad feeling he'a going to get into some trouble!"

"He'd only be in trouble if Tanner here was trying to take him home." Man Bun pointed to his other sandy-haired friend. Magnolia laughed, but stopped abruptly when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"I finally got away from the ladies!" Stiles shouted.

"Is this your troublesome friend?" Tanner asked, giving Stiles a suggestive look.

"No, actually I'm her boyfriend!"

Maggie was taken aback but the boys didn't seem to notice.

"We have to go!" Stiles pulled on Magnolia's wrist as she waved goodbye to the boys.

When they reached the bar she asked, "What was that for?"

"It's this place. It's like I'm a guy magnet," Stiles gloated. "I had to make up a story so they wouldn't hit on me."

"Oh yeah. They were dying to dance with you," she said sarcastically.

"I'm telling you Maggie, they're all over me. I'm the hottest fake boyfriend you'll ever have."

"I'm not really sure I'll ever have another fake boyfriend again," she deadpanned.


Magnolia laughed as Scott sat down on a stool next to Stiles. The bartender made his way to the trio.

"Three beers," Stiles ordered.


The trio dug into their wallets, flashing the expertly made fake IDs with confidence. The bartender glanced at the plastic cards and chuckled. "How about three Cokes?"

"Rum and Coke, sure!" Stiles exclaimed, awkwardly headbanging to the house music. The bartender gave him a look. "Coke's fine actually, I'm driving anyway."

The bartender went to retrieve the Cokes just as another blond bartender approached Scott. "That one's paid for." He slid the drink to him, gesturing to the guy sitting a few stools down from them. Scott grinned at him, then at Magnolia and Stiles.

"Oh shut up."

"I didn't say anything," Scott laughed.

"Yeah but your face did," Stiles sneered.

Maggie refrained from joining their little squabble and inspected the club scene. The neon lights made it harder to identify familiar faces, but there was no mistaking the guy dancing on one of the elevated platforms.

"Hey, I found Danny," she chimed.

"I found Jackson." Scott looked up at the ceiling, where the kanima was climbing around. "Get Danny."

She obliged, heading towards the dancefloor.

"What're you gonna do?" Stiles asked. Scott extended his claws, not stopping to care who saw him. He had a Kanima to catch. Stiles shrugged. "Works for me." He followed Maggie, shouting Danny's name. The blaring music was too loud for him to hear.

Magnolia hurriedly apologized to everyone she pushed past but stopped in her tracks when the Kanima swiftly crawled past her, paralyzing everyone in its tracks. Stiles and Maggie watched Danny drop faster than the beat of the song under their feet.

The clubbers screamed, even though the danger was gone. All that was left were a pile of paralyzed dancers on the ground.

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