9.01 » shopping with lydia

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CAMELLIA SIGHED IN CONTENTMENT. She was perched on top of the tree, the huge one (and apparently her favorite) next to Magnolia's bedroom balcony. "You did it! And faster than I'd hoped."

Magnolia looked up at her. "Why do you sound so proud? You didn't do anything."

Cam rolled her eyes. "Your attitude really has changed since you met me. I love it."

"Thanks," Maggie replied sarcastically. Cam hopped down to eye level.

"You did that." She pointed to the sunflower that had sprouted from the ground next to them. "A month ago you were doing that without knowing and without control."

"A flower won't protect me or my friends, Cam. Teach me something real. Like that vine you summoned to smack me last time."

Camellia thought about it for a second. "Not yet. I think some self-defense would be more useful right now."

Magnolia looked down at the flower, then to the giant grey walls that surrounded her backyard. "Self-defense is no good against the kanima."

Shaking her head, Camellia huffed. "This isn't something you're going to learn in a week or even a couple months. Your powers were dormant for a long time."

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just hard to sit back helplessly sometimes."

Camellia smiled her rare, genuine smile. "Don't worry, once we merge back together we'll be a bad bitch. But promise me this right now: you won't forget that you're still you. And you that you have a personal life outside the supernatural. It sort of feels like you haven't done anything besides train with me and chase the kanima. You have the right to some time to yourself, too."

Maggie nodded. "I won't forget. Speaking of personal life, what am I supposed to tell Stiles about kissing Isaac?"

"You don't. You keep it to yourself and if you're smart, you'll take your turn kissing Isaac."

Maggie's lips parted in shock, making Camellia laugh.

"Oh come on, it was great! You know you want to," she teased. Magnolia could feel herself blushing so she lowered her head. "I know you're blushing. You're me, duh."

Maggie pouted but laughed anyway.

"Alright that's enough of that." Camellia took a few steps back. "I'm gonna teach you how to fight back. Hit me."

✿  .・゜゜・ ❀ ・゜゜・.✿

"Can I just say that you're the bravest person in the world for going shopping with me today," beamed Lydia, as she and Maggie stepped out of her car, shopping bags in hand.

"Thank you, I take pride in that. Plus it's your birthday so it's not like I can say no."

"That's the spirit!" Lydia happily strutted up to Allison's front door with Maggie on her heels. Mr. Argent opened the door and the girls greeted him politely before making their way upstairs.

"Clear your schedule!" Lydia announced. Allison looked slightly confused. "This could take a while."

She surveyed the amount of shopping bags they had laid on her bed.

"How many outfits do you plan on wearing tonight?" Allison asked.

"It's my birthday party. I'm thinking host dress, evening dress, then after hours casual."

Allison looked to Maggie for confirmation. She nodded.

"I noticed that you didn't send out any invites."

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