6.02 » hiding jackson

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STILES FOLLOWED SCOTT OUT THE BACK DOOR after the kanima, pulling Maggie alongside him. They caught up to Scott, who was crouched next to a nude Jackson.

"Wow. Lydia wasn't exaggerating when she nicknamed him 'Jackson Wantmore'," Maggie joked.

"What do we do with him now?" asked Scott.

"We can start by getting him far away from Magnolia."

"Oh please Stiles. Don't tell me you weren't looking there too. I saw your eyes roam to his d—"

"Guys!" Scott exclaimed. "I can hear an ambulance coming!"

"Right. Stiles, bring the spare blanket you keep in your Jeep and we'll cover Jackson with it."

Stiles muttered something about his Jeep being named Roscoe and stalked off.

The parking lot was barely starting to see some action when Stiles came back. He wrapped Jackson in the blanket reluctantly and Scott lifted him over his shoulder, carrying him to the old Jeep. Stiles revved up the engine.

"Wait," said Scott. "I have to talk to Danny."

Stiles' eyes widened. "Scott, my dad's gonna be here any minute–"

"Just wait in the car!" Scott yelled, dashing off to the entrance of the club.

"Her name is Roscoe," he muttered. Magnolia didn't know what to do since Jackson took up all the space in the backseat, so she lifted his legs and set them in her lap.

"Maggs... what're you doing?" asked Stiles.

"Sitting in my seat. If you think for a second that Jackson's junk is going to faze me, you are absolutely mistaken."

Stiles chuckled, but said nothing. He just tapped the steering wheel with his index fingers.

"So... were you or weren't you looking at Jackson's–"


"Okay, fine."

A minute later Scott came rushing back into the vehicle. "I couldn't get anything out of Danny."

"Okay, can we please just get the hell out of here now before one of my dad's deputies see me?" Stiles pleaded. Suddenly, the sheriff's car parked right in front of Stiles' Jeep, turning off its siren. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Can this get any worse?"

Jackson groaned next to Magnolia, making her jump a bit in surprise.

"That was rhetorical!" panicked Stiles.

"Get rid of him," Scott urged.

"Get rid of him? We're at a crime scene and he's the sheriff."

"Do something!"

Stiles looked to Maggie for a better plan, but she nodded quickly. All she wanted was to get away from Jackson's bare murderer ass.

Stiles sighed as he exited his beloved Jeep, the other two from the troublesome trio looking on. Jackson proceeded to moan yet again.

"Jackson," Scott whispered. "Jackson! Be quiet."

He was quiet for a moment but began to stir and groan.

"Jackson be quiet," Scott said a little more urgently.

"What's happening?" he asked groggily, sitting up in his seat next to Maggie.

"Jackson I'm sorry but–" Scott wound his fist back then collided it with Jackson's face. Magnolia cringed at the sound of the impact.

"Wasn't that a little harsh?" she asked.

"Isn't going on a murder spree a little harsher?"

"Good point."

Stiles came back in, breathless and eager to drive off. Once they were on the road, the trio discussed where to stash the homicidal lizard.

"Uh what about your house?" asked Stiles.

"Not with my mom there." Scott shook his head. "We need to take him somewhere where we could hold him long enough to figure out what to do with him. Or long enough to convince him he's dangerous."

"I still say we just kill him."

"We're not killing him," Scott and Maggie said in unison.

"Okay, okay. I got an idea."

"Does it involve breaking the law?"

"By now don't you think that's a given?" Stiles deadpanned.

"I was just trying to be optimistic."

"Don't bother."

"How about my house? Since my parents are hardly home and we have one of those closet-sized safes we could–"

Stiles interrupted Magnolia with a sarcastic laugh. "Oh yeah, let's leave the killer reptile with our best friend who'd be paralyzed and murdered in 0.2 seconds if the kanima got out. That's a great idea."

"Then how the hell am I supposed to make myself useful?"

"We take you home to get some sleep and give us peace of mind that you're safe."

"All I ever do is go home before the fun stuff happens. Scott, can you give me some help over here?"

"Stiles is right," he nagged. "We need to keep you as safe as possible. Not because your help isn't useful! We just care about your safety."

"Yeah, yeah. Just let me kick some butt sometimes, okay boys?"

Stiles laughed. "You've done enough butt kicking for tonight. Isaac's never gonna forget that."

"Wait, what?" asked Scott, a grin forming on his face.

"Yup. She punched him square in the face."

Magnolia smiled sheepishly, knowing Stiles was just trying to make her feel better. All she had done was distract him while it was Stiles who really knocked him down.

"Way to go Maggie!" Scott cheered, extending his arm to the backseat for a fistbump.

"Anything for my boys," she sighed. She knew they were her best friends until the end.

"Here we are," announced Stiles. "Casa de Maggie."

She groaned and exited the car, carefully laying Jackson's legs across the backseat. "Night guys. See you later."

"Bye," she boys said in unison, just as Magnolia's front door flew open. Her parents came rushing out, adjusting their surgeon scrubs.

"Dinner's in the fridge, get some sleep, and take out the trash honey!" her mother yelled as she hurried past them to their Tacoma.

"Yo!" her father shouted, mortifying her with his usage of teenage slang. He did it all the time, but every time just got more embarrassing. "Thanks for taking care of my daughter and getting her home safely. A bunch of bros got sent to the hospital tonight for getting too turnt. You boys have a good night. Dad out."

Scott and Stiles looked like they wanted to laugh but also looked like they hoped Magnolia's dad hadn't seen Jackson in the backseat. That would rouse up too many questions. Thankfully, the Sylvan parents backed out of the driveway and drove off.

The boys and she just looked at each other like they had just seen their own clone. She gave them an awkward wave, walking through her front door.

An hour later, after she'd done everything her mom asked her to, besides getting some sleep, she started to worry about them. The kanima was dangerous, and the boys were most likely doing something completely idiotic. So she texted Stiles.

maggie 🧚🏼‍♀️
why did you tell scott i punched isaac? idgi

stiles 🥍
Because you would have. And that's what counts.

Magnolia smiled to herself before putting her phone to charge and calling it a night. A long, long night.

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