5.02 » shooting werewolves

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MAGNOLIA WAS HAPPY to feel her feet touch the floor. She'd been so anxious the whole way to Scott's house hoping they'd make it there safely. Stiles hurried Lydia up the steps, with Allison, Maggie, and Jackson following behind.

They all made their way into Scott's living room and Stiles quickly maneuvered the many locks that were on the door. Lydia looked at him skeptically.

"Uh, there's been a few break-ins around the neighborhood." He slid a chair underneath the door knob. "And a murder. Yeah, it was bad."

Much to Magnolia's surprise, Jackson spoke up. "Lydia, follow me. I need to talk to you for a minute."

"Seriously?" she asked. "What is going on with everyone?" Lydia stalked off after Jackson anyways as Maggie peered out the window.

"I'm gonna go the restroom really quickly," said Allison. "My bow's in my bag if you need it." Stiles nodded and she left into the hallway.

Stiles noticed Magnolia's hand trembling as she held the curtain aside. "Scared?"

"Nope," she replied in her usual carefree tone. He walked over, taking her hand in his.

"You're shaking."

"Maybe I'm just cold." Stiles chuckled, releasing her hand and pulling her into a hug instead.

"Cold or scared, hugs always help," he said next to her ear. Magnolia laid her head on his shoulder, unsure if her heart was pounding because of him or because of the impending danger.

He unwrapped his arms around her and she did the same. "Maybe you can convince Isaac not to attack us," he suggested.

"What makes you think I can do that?" she asked, puzzled.

"He confessed his love for you today in chem while we were doing the partners thing."

Magnolia almost laughed but didn't. "What?"

"Yup. He has a thing about how cute you look when you're mad."

She laughed, surprising Stiles. "Bet he wouldn't think that if he knew I was dying to punch him in the middle of class."

"Was he bothering you?" he asked, wanting to punch himself instead for not helping her.

"Yeah but it's okay. I can handle his little curly-haired ass."

"What happened to 'he might just be the sweetest guy I've ever met,' huh?"

"That was before he was a werewolf," Maggie clarified.

"No it wasn't," he argued back laughing, but Allison was coming back down the hallway so they both let it go.

Maggie cursed under her breath as she looked past the sheer curtain. "They're here."

Stiles looked out the window to see Derek, Boyd, Isaac, and Erica standing outside the house. Tossing his phone at Allison, he said, "Tell Scott to get here."

She nodded, and he retrieved the bow from Allison's bag.

"Hey, it's me," she said into the phone as soon as Scott picked up. "You need to get here now. Right now."

Allison ended the call quickly, but looked panicked as she did.

"I think... I think I need to call my dad."

"But if he finds you here, you and Scott–" Stiles said, but was interrupted by Allison.

"I know." She took a deep breath. "What're we supposed to do? They're not here to scare us, okay? They're here to kill Lydia."

Stiles looked around the room, as if looking for a possible solution to our predicament.

"I've got an idea," he said. "Shoot one of them."

"Are you serious?" Magnolia asked.

"We told Scott we could protect ourselves. Let's do it. At least give it a shot right?"

"Okay," Allison agreed.

"They don't think we're gonna fight. If one of them gets hit, I guarantee you they'll take off. So just shoot one of them."

"Which one?" she asked.

"Derek. Shoot him. Preferrably in the head."

"If Scott could catch an arrow then Derek can definitely catch one," Allison deadpanned.

"Okay, just shoot one of the other three."

"You mean two."

"I mean three." Stiles looked outside and face-palmed in frustruation. "Where the hell's Isaac?"

Suddenly, a loud thump was heard. Magnolia and Stiles whipped their heads around to find Isaac had knocked Allison to the ground. Stiles covered Maggie protectively, but Isaac's werewolf strength was too much and he wound up at her feet.

"So much for avoiding me today, am I right?" Isaac chuckled. Magnolia saw Allison crawling away into the hallway and knew she had a plan as long as Isaac didn't catch her.

"I don't know what you mean," she said as innocently as she could. Stiles rolled aside so she could step forward. Isaac came closer as well, assuming she was finally flirting back.

"So you're not avoiding me?"

"Why would I avoid someone who's... literally falling for me?"

At that moment, Stiles pulled the rug out from under Isaac's feet. He fell over and Magnolia laughed, grabbing Stiles's hand and scurrying off to safety.

"Guys... It's here!" Allison yelled from inside one of the guest rooms. They followed her, but Allison quickly hurried them into the restroom for protection. "I have a plan but stay here," she warned. Stiles nodded, locking the door after she left. He knew he should've been helping her, but if Allison had a plan that involved protecting Magnolia, he was all for it.

Maggie leaned against the door and sighed in relief. She knew they weren't completely safe, but knowing Stiles was with her was calming.

A loud thud was heard from outside of the restroom, shortly followed by another thud. Stiles and Magnolia gave each other a worried look, but waited until they heard a soft knock on the door.

"It's safe," Scott said from behind the door. Maggie unlocked it quickly, hugging Scott in relief. "The kanima's here though."

"That's not really what I'd consider safe." Maggie made air quotes with her hands. Stiles hugged Scott just as Allison came into the room.

"Derek and Boyd are still standing outside," she announced. Scott nodded, and they walked back into the living room where Erica and Isaac were paralyzed on the ground. Allison noticed Stiles and Magnolia's puzzled looks and explained. "I covered my arrows in the kanima's venom."

"Nice," Stiles complimented, giving her a high five.

Scott picked up Isaac and Erica's still bodies. "Ready?"

Allison opened the front door and Scott tossed Derek's cronies out into the front yard. The four of them stepped out on the front porch, ready for Derek to attack. He was standing a few feet away, looking as authoritative as always, even though Boyd was considerably bigger than him.

"I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me Scott," he said. "You're not an omega. You're already an alpha of your own pack. But you know you can't beat me."

"I can hold you off until the cops get here," Scott threatened. The wail of police sirens was audible in the distance.

"Get them out of here," Derek ordered. Boyd was about to comply when a screech pierced the air. They all looked towards the roof of Scott's house, where the kanima was perched. Lydia ran out of the house, terrified.

"Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

Scott's realization was barely a whisper, but everyone heard it anyway.

"It's Jackson."

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