2.03 » saving isaac

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"YOU DIDN'T FIND ANYTHING at all?" asked Stiles.

"Nope. Nothing," Magnolia answered into her phone receiver.

"Okay, well stay put. I'm already on my way to get you."

"Mmmkay," she said quietly.

"Maggie, we're going to save him. Evidence or no evidence."

"Thanks Stiles," Maggie responded, trying to sound a little more optimistic this time. "Just hurry please."

She ended the call and slipped the phone in her pocket. Maggie stood in the alley alone, her arms crossed. The sky was a dim shade of orange and she looked around, paranoid. It was going to get dark soon, and her surroundings couldn't be any creepier. A lonely alley downtown, still smelling like last night's rainfall was not the ideal place a girl wanted to be while night fell. Not to mention someone had been murdered there the night before.

Just as she took a deep breath and told herself nothing was going to happen, a quiet noise came from behind her. Maggie swiftly turned around, knowing she wasn't being paranoid this time. Her conscience told her it was stupid of her to go looking for whatever made the noise, but she crept deeper into the alley anyway. Her heartbeat accelerated as she quietly stepped closer to a rectangular trash can that must've belonged to whatever business bordered the left side of the alley.

Maggie formed fists with her hands, ready to defend herself if anything threatening was hiding behind the large can. As she peered around the corner of the can, there was no threat in sight. Nothing but a flower that had grown through a crack in the concrete.

A sudden car honk made her jump in surprise and she swiveled back around. Stiles and his Jeep were there waiting there for her. Magnolia glanced at the flower again curiously, but sighed in relief and joined Stiles in his Jeep. As he drove away from the alley, he noticed the look in her eyes.

"Maggie, you okay?"

"Yeah. That alley was kind of creepy though," she laughed, relaxing a little.

"What was Scott thinking sending you there alone? Oh right, I was in detention."

"Sorry," apologized Maggie. She smiled cheekily and he mocked her bitterly, but she knew he was just kidding.

"Could you hand me my phone? I need to check in with Allison."

She reached into the cup holder and passed it to him. He dialed her as he stopped at a red light.

"Hey did you slow him down?" he asked into the receiver. He had put Allison on speaker.

"You could say that."

"All right well, I'm headed to the station right now."

At this point, Maggie had no idea what was even going on or how they were going about saving Isaac, but she listened anyway.

"Where's Scott?" asked Allison.


"Does he have a plan?"

"Yeah but not a very good one. Unfortunately, we don't have time to come up with anything better," Stiles said, panic evident on his face.

✿  .・゜゜・ ❀ ・゜゜・.✿

Stiles let Maggie in on Scott's less-than-impressive plan, and picked up Sour Wolf on the way to the police station.

"I'm just wondering why you don't bring any kind of weapons with you, like I know you have super werewolfy powers and all but I think they'd be helpful," Magnolia chimed.

"Oh, yeah. Helpful in shutting up teenage girls like you who think I don't know what I'm doing," Derek hissed.

"Okay. What are you doing?"

He turned to glare over at her in the backseat and she grinned purposely to annoy him. Just then, Stiles pulled the car over to park by the station.

"They keep the keys to every cell in a password protected lock box in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk."

"I'll distract her," said Derek, already reaching for the car door.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Stiles clutched Derek's shoulder in an attempt to stop him. "You? You're not going in there." Derek looked from his shoulder, to Stiles, silently making a threat with his eyes. "I'm taking my hand off." Stiles removed his hand away nervously.

"I was exonerated."

"You're still a person of interest."

"An innocent person," retorted Derek.

"You? Yeah right. Okay, fine. What's your plan?"

"To distract her," said Derek, matter-of-factly.

"Uh-huh. How? By punching her in the face?" Stiles asked sarcastically. Derek huffed.

"By talking to her."

"Okay. All right. Give me a sample. What're you gonna open with?" Stiles and Magnolia waited, and Derek simply looked out the window. "Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?"

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face."

Stiles finally stopped making remarks and they all exited his Jeep. Derek went in first, leaving Stiles and Maggie outside the door. They listened in, waiting for a chance to sneak by whoever was at the front desk.

"Good evening. How can I help... you?" asked a female voice. The way she said 'you' gave them some hope that this would actually work.

"Hi," said Derek.


"Uh, I had a question. Uh... sorry I'm a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone..." Stiles knew this was the perfect chance, so he grabbed Magnolia's hand and crept past the front desk.

"Like me?" asked the female officer.

"Oh, I was gonna say so incredibly beautiful but yeah I guess that'd be the same thing."

Magnolia would've laughed, but the adrenaline of Stiles holding her hand and the fear of being caught were too much. Now that they had made it into the hallway, they were safe for the time being.

"I'm gonna go get the key," whispered Stiles, "You go find the cell they're holding Isaac in." Maggie nodded, and scurried down the hallway. She almost flew past it, but it was obvious when she saw it. The steel cell in the middle of that particular room was wide open. Not because it was unlocked, but because it had been pried opened. She cautiously approached it, hoping a wolfed out Isaac wouldn't jump out and attack her. She stepped in the cell, looking around. There was no one in there. She had to tell Stiles.

As Magnolia swiveled on her heels to run back to Stiles, an alarm began to sound and a man dressed in an officer's uniform came in, dragging Stiles in with him. The man saw her before she got the chance to surprise him from the back, and he shoved her roughly, sending her back into the wall. She fell to the floor, but the man's attention was on the empty cell.

In just seconds, Isaac appeared, thrusting the man into a nearby desk, then into the wall. Stiles took cover behind the desk, and Magnolia crawled next to him. He covered her as Isaac crushed the man's head into the wall, making him drop the needle filled with wolfsbane on the floor. The needle that was supposed to kill Isaac.

Suddenly, the needle was shattered underneath the pressure of a foot. Derek.

Isaac looked from Derek to Magnolia and Stiles. It was clear he was going to pounce. Stiles pressed himself closer to Maggie, covering her the most he could. Isaac took a step toward them, but cowered against the wall when Derek roared.

"How did you do that?" asked Stiles, breathess from the panic he had just experienced.

Derek turned to them, smirking. "I'm the alpha."

words are empty air ➳ stiles / isaac [1]Where stories live. Discover now