9.03 » experiencing hallucinations

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WHEN MAGNOLIA HAD ERASED all the traces of her fall out with Stiles off her face, she went to go find Allison. However, when she couldn't track her down after a few minutes, she began to drink. A lot.

Several shots and three cups of Lydia's punch later, she wound back up in the restroom.

"Look at what you did," she slurred to herself in the mirror, laughing drunkenly. "Am I talking about the alcohol or the Stiles thing, who knows?"

She stopped smiling. "This isn't even my fault. Camellia was the one who kissed Isaac, not me." She paused. "Oh wait we're the same person."

Magnolia laughed again, turning on the faucet to wash her hands, ridiculously focused on scrubbing them clean. She patted them dry, then looked at herself in the mirror once more.

"I hope it was worth it, Cam. I might just have to find out."

She paused for a second before making the decision to text him. It had been quite a while since she'd seen him, since it'd been Cam who attended the rave with him and not herself. Magnolia firmly believed that if you miss someone, you tell them. She began tapping away on her phone.

maggie 🧚🏼‍♀️
hey isaac! hope the full moon isn't being too hard on you. wish you could've made it to lydia's

Magnolia sent it as soon as she typed it out, not realizing she'd made a few typos. She did however, realize that at this point of the night, Isaac was probably already wolfed out and not in control of his actions, so she wouldn't get a response until the next morning.

Maggie shrugged to herself and made her way out of the bathroom. She stared at the full moon for a second before surveying the party crowd. Even in her inebriated state, she could tell something was off. Every attendee was either acting extremely strange, or making out with someone.

"Maggie!" she heard from behind her, immediately recognizing the voice.


He wore a worried expression on his face, before scrunching his eyebrows.

"Are you drunk?"

"Not as drunk as I could be," she grinned. He didn't look as amused as she hoped. "What's wrong?"

"The punch Lydia's serving is spiked with wolfsbane. It's causing everyone to hallucinate. Did you drink any?"

She definitely had but it occurred to her that maybe as a dryad, wolfsbane didn't have an effect on her.


"Good. Help me find Lydia."

"Okie dokie, chief."

Magnolia followed Scott like a lost puppy, trying to spot the strawberry blonde somewhere in the sea of hallucinating partygoers. Scott turned back to check on her and she barely halted her step before she crashed into the werewolf. He gave her a knowing look.

"Are you sure you're fine?" he asked.

"Yeah, there's more important things to worry about keep going."

He nodded and held his palm out to her. She took it and he led her through the crowds.

She was soft as warm butter in her drunken daze at Scott's tenderness toward her. Maybe she was stumbling more than she realized, or maybe Scott was just being his usual protective self but Maggie loved it.

"Stiles?" she heard Scott question over the music. Magnolia stiffened. She wasn't ready to talk to him yet.

Thankfully, Scott moved to the side and Stiles was too drunk to even speak. He let go of Maggie's hand and lightly slapped Stiles on his cheek.

words are empty air ➳ stiles / isaac [1]Where stories live. Discover now