4.01 » watching the lacrosse semi-finals

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"IS ALLISON COMING to the game tonight?" Scott asked as Maggie tied her shoe. The trio was sitting on a staircase as Stiles ran back and forth, delivering Allison's messages to Scott.

"Yes! Message completed. All right now tell me about your boss," said Stiles eagerly.

"He thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of records of all the things that they've hunted. Like a book."

"It's a bestiary."

"A what?"

"A bestiary," Stiles repeated.

"I think you mean beastiality." Scott chuckled in amusement.

"Nope. Pretty sure I don't. It's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures."

"Kind of like a Pokédex from Pokémon," Maggie chimed in.

"Yes, thank you, you're amazing," joked Stiles.

Scott made a face, looking at both of them. "How am I the only one that doesn't seem to know about any of this stuff?"

"You're our best friend. You're a creature of the night. It's kind of, like, a priority of ours." Magnolia nodded in agreement.

"Okay. If we can find it and it can tell us what this thing is–"

"And who," Stiles interrupted.

With a dead serious look on his face, Scott concluded, "We need that book."

✿  .・゜゜・ ❀ ・゜゜・.✿

Magnolia was used to sitting alone to watch the boys' lacrosse game, but there was nothing that had ever kept her warm. Hot chocolate in hand, she wondered when Allison and Stiles would execute the plan. Stiles had just said that as soon as he came back, they'd go back to his house to figure out what the lizard creature really was.

As if on queue, Stiles subtly snuck by Allison, taking Gerard's keys with him. She quietly sipped her hot chocolate, pretending she hadn't seen a thing.

It was lonely without Lydia there, but she knew it was best not to force her to come. It would suck being forced to watch your ex-boyfriend for two hours straight.

Maggie downed the rest of her hot chocolate, then walked behind the bleachers to throw away her disposable cup.

As she turned towards the school to find Stiles, she could've sworn she saw someone lurking in the woods. Her breath hitched and she knew whatever was in the woods had been the same person in the library a few days ago.

She knew it was stupid, but her curiosity pulled her among the trees. Careful of straying too far from the lacrosse game, she stopped searching. It was too dark to see anyone.

Just as she turned back, someone took hold of her hand. Magnolia jumped, but didn't scream. She knew exactly who it was.

"Hey," Isaac breathed, still holding her hand. His face was mostly covered in shadows but Magnolia could still make out his eyes and curls.

"Isaac, what are you doing here? You could get caught and sent to jail."

"Really? You think a few police officers could catch me?" Isaac scoffed.

"Probably not, but then they'd think I'm your accomplice and that I know where you're hiding."

"Relax, you're safe here. No one can see us. It's too dark."

"Right. Well I have to go find Stiles so–"

"Really? I could've sworn I saw him leave a few minutes ago in his crappy Jeep."

"Are you sure?" Maggie questioned in disbelief. She felt her chest concave, but made an effort to hide her disappointment.

"Who else do you know that drives a crappy blue Jeep?"

"It's powder blue," she muttered. "And he was also my ride."

"Rides. I don't really need those anymore," Isaac chuckled.

"Well I do, but I really don't want to stay here at the moment."

"Let's go. I'll walk you home."

Maggie smiled, appreciative of his offer. Although she was scared of the dark, they had to take the back route through the woods so Isaac wouldn't be caught. Soon, they were walking the streets to Maggie's house and Isaac had his face shrouded in the shadow created by the hood of his sweatshirt.

"How does it feel to be a fugitive?" she asked, playfully nudging him with her elbow.

"It honestly kind of sucks. I just wanna play lacrosse. And maybe show off my new werewolf muscles but mostly just get back out on the field."

"You've certainly had a confidence boost, huh?" Magnolia laughed and Isaac grinned.

"I guess you could say that."

"So you don't miss school at all? Not even a little?"

"Nope. Maybe seeing you in between class periods but that's it."

Magnolia looked off into the distance to hide her smile. It was then that she noticed Isaac didn't stutter when he spoke to her anymore. "That's it?" she asked, as they turned the corner onto her street.

"That's it. Except I'd like to see how the girls at school react to me now."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Everyone's always ignored me. Now that I look like this, no one will ever ignore me again."

"Isaac," Maggie whispered. "Being noticed just for looking the way you do isn't what you want to be noticed for."

"What do you know about what I want?" he retorted, making Magnolia flinch.

"I don't but–"

"That's just it Magnolia, you've always been noticed. You don't know how it feels. You're pretty and people like you."

"I'm pretty sure that's not the reason people like me, Isaac. Besides, you didn't know me before I moved to Beacon Hills. I wasn't exactly the coolest."

"You think middle school matters? This is high school. This is hell when no one knows your name. Even worse, when they know you work at a cemetery. So don't even try to compare your life to mine."

"Right, of course," she uttered. "I'm not a guy who got turned into a werewolf and then became an asshole. And for the record, I am so much more than just pretty."

Magnolia looked him in the eye one more time before storming off down the street. They were only a few houses away from her own, and in mere seconds had unlocked her front door and slammed it shut.

words are empty air ➳ stiles / isaac [1]Where stories live. Discover now