7.01 » getting detention

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THE EARLIER NEWS HAD TURNED Maggie into a mess. She had tried to concentrate during her classes but everything was just too much. Her secret meeting with Allison, Stiles, and Scott in the library had revealed huge clues about the kanima. It was a creature used for vengeance who was actually supposed to be a werewolf, but couldn't become one until it overcame its traumatizing past. They assumed it had something to do with Jackson's real parents, but asking him was impossible for Scott and Stiles since Jackson had ended up filing a restraining order against them.

Allison volunteered to ask against Scott's wishes, even though Maggie was perfectly capable of doing it herself since she had the closest connection to him out of the four. But of course, the tall werewolf huntress was chosen over the tiny only whose only real talent was running and maybe dancing.

So in the end, after a quick trip to her locker, she'd catch up with Allison to go over whatever Jackson was willing to admit to her. But the walk seemed longer than usual, and she couldn't help but feel useless to the team again. How was she supposed to be of help when she couldn't even defend herself? And that girl from yesterday who looked exactly like her... who was she? Maybe she hadn't made the right decision to send her away. It was too late to find out now.

"Hey Noli."

Maggie turned around in confusion. Isaac snuck up next to her with a smile on his face.

"I'm pretty sure that's not my name."

"And I'm pretty sure paralyzing me isn't a very Magnolia thing to do."

"That was Allison, actually. Attempting to kill us wasn't exactly an Isaac thing to do either. At least, not the Isaac I actually liked."

"I wasn't going to kill everyone. Jackson's already doing that." Isaac sneered and Maggie shook her head, walking away swiftly. He caught up to her pace with no effort. "For the record though, I wouldn't have killed you.

Magnolia came to a halt in the middle of the hallway, facing him directly. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" she asked, annoyed.

"Maybe not but maybe this will." He stepped toward her and she instinctively moved her head back, but what she expected wasn't what Isaac had in mind.

He took a strand of her hair, twirling it around. Closer to her face than she would've liked, he whispered, "I kind of like you too."

He stepped back, smirking at her before making his way down a flight of stairs and out the door.

Kind of? she thought. Sure Jan.

Magnolia rolled her eyes and proceeded to the boys locker room. She was still distracted by what had happened until she saw Stiles and Erica standing outside the locker room door. It was odd, but not as odd as the water emerging from underneath.

Suddenly, it flew open and Scott landed on his back with a thud to the floor. Jackson jumped on top of him, throwing punch after punch.

"Scott... Scott!" yelled Stiles, as he and Erica tried to separate the two supernatural creatures. Maggie had no idea what to do as a crowd gathered behind them.

Mr. Harris marched up to them, also yelling. " What the hell's going on? Hey! Enough! Enough. What do you idiots think you're doing? Jackson! Calm down!"

Scott escaped Stiles's grasp, but didn't move and Jackson stopped struggling.

"McCall, you wanna explain yourself?" Harris asked. "Stilinski!"

No one said anything, except for Matt, whose voice came from behind Magnolia.

"You dropped this." He handed Scott's tablet back to him, but Harris snatched it out of Matt's hand.

"You and you" he pointed at Jackson and Scott, "Actually... all of you. Detention. Three o'clock."

Magnolia's face crumpled in confusion. She'd never had detention a day in her life and she hadn't done a single thing besides stand there. Mr. Harris shot her a look, and surprisingly, she shot it right back.

✿  .・゜゜・ ❀ ・゜゜・.✿

The line of, for the most part, innocent students filed into the library. Magnolia took a seat next to Erica, with Scott and Stiles sitting across from them. They had to ask Erica about Jackson's parents, who knew for some reason exactly what had happened. That is, until Jackson spoke up.

"Oh, uh... We can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools."

Maggie rolled her eyes. He was sitting at a different table, wasn't that good enough?

"All of these tools?" Harris questioned.

"No, just us tools," Stiles answered cheekily, pointing to Scott and himself.

"Fine." Harris exhaled. "You two, over there."

Stiles and Scott retreated to a different table, leaving Maggie with the slightly intimidating Erica. She glanced over and gave her a little smile, but Erica looked indifferent.

"How's your day going?" Maggie asked.

"Can you please stop being so sugary sweet?" Erica sneered.

"Can you start?" she shot back. Erica smiled in appreciation at her sudden sassiness.

"Isaac told me what he said to you. Now that you know he likes you or whatever,  does that mean you'll live happily ever after on Team Derek?"

"No, jerk isn't really my type."

"But you somehow expect to be friends with me?" Erica laughed.

"You're not a jerk. You're a... she-wolf in red lipstick."

"And you're practically a fairy in pink lipstick. We'd probably make a good team. What a shame."

"I'm pretty sure fairies don't exist but it's nice that you think I'd be one. I thought if I were a mythical creature I'd be a gremlin or something. Don't feed me after midnight to find out."

Erica laughed again which probably would've gotten her a scolding from Harris if Jackson hadn't abruptly stood up from his seat at the same time.

"I have to go to the bathroom," he said, holding his hand up to his temple.

"Are you all right?" Harris asked. "Hey, you don't look so good."

"I just need to get some water."

Jackson hurried out of the room, prompting Mr. Harris to follow after him.

"No one leaves their seats," he threatened.

Scott and Stiles immediately sat down at Erica's and Maggie's table after the door shut after him.

"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died," said Scott, making Erica roll her eyes.



Erica looked at Maggie. She nodded encouragingly. "It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's 18."

Stiles shook his head. "So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at 18?"


"There's something so deeply wrong with that."

"You know what?" Erica opened up her laptop. "I could try to find the insurance report in my dad's inbox. He keeps everything."

A deep voice suddenly came over the intercom.

"Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office."

All three of them looked at Scott.

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