2.02 » pointing fingers

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"ISAAC IS THE WEREFOLF?!" Maggie whispered, barely able to contain her surprise. Scott and Stiles nodded. "You could feel his werewolf-y presence when you went into the locker room?" Again, Scott nodded. Maggie slapped Stiles upside the head and he yelped in pain.

"What was that for?" he exclaimed.

"For not telling me that the you-know-what was on the lacrosse field! After you texted me, I went looking for someone who looked nervous and unstable!"

"Sorry," Stiles said sarcastically, dragging out the "e" sound. "Kind of violent don't you think Mags?"

"Yeah, sorry. I'm a little on-edge."

"Did I look nervous and unstable?" questioned Scott. Stiles and Maggie both ignored him.

"Just to make sure I have everything right, Isaac is a werewolf. His father was murdered last night and the police suspect it's him so they're questioning him and can hold him in a jail cell all night, which just happens to be a full moon?"

"Yes," answered Stiles and Scott.

"Oh no," she whispered.

"Oh yes," Stiles whispered back. The bell rang for class and they walked together to chemistry class. Stiles noticed the pensive expression on her face but said nothing. Magnolia just stared at the floor, even after they'd sat down in their seats. She thought back to that morning, about how jittery he'd been. He seemed that way even the day she met him, but this time it was like he had no interest in even talking to her. Now she knew why.

"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" asked Scott, who was seated to her left.

"Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you then it can kill you. Maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving," Stiles suggested. Magnolia didn't feel like talking anymore, but she was stuck in between the boys.

"Does being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?"

"Not unless they have solid evidence. Or a witness." Stiles looked around the room swiftly, then turned over his shoulder. "Danny! Where's Jackson?"

"In the principal's office talking to your dad," answered Danny.


"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac."

Stiles turned back around and looked at Scott with intense eyes. "We've go to get to the principal's office."

"How?" questioned Scott.

At that moment, Mr. Harris spoke up even though his back was still facing the class as he wrote the lesson plan up on the chalkboard. "Everyone please turn to page 73."

Suddenly, a wadded-up paper flew across the room and bounced off of Mr. Harris's head.

"Who in the hell did that?" he asked angrily. It might've been because of the ridiculousness of Stiles' plan or the fact that she wasn't used to a teacher cursing, but it made Magnolia break out in unsuppressible laughter. When Stiles and Scott pointed fingers at each other, the pain her abdomen grew more intense.

"All three of you to the principal's office!" Mr. Harris ordered. The three gathered up their belongings and exited the classroom, Maggie's cackling still echoing in the hallway. Scott and Stiles had to quiet her down before reaching the principal's office. When they got there, they sat outside trying to eavesdrop on the conversation happening inside.

"Listen, did you tell me that you knew Isaac's father was hitting him?" interrogated Sheriff Stilinski.

"Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him," responded Jackson. Magnolia's heart sank into her stomach, but continued to listen.

words are empty air ➳ stiles / isaac [1]Where stories live. Discover now