1.02 » switching lockers

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THE CLICKING OF MAGNOLIA'S BOOTS against the floor was barely audible in the bustling Beacon Hills High hallway. Not that she could hear anything but Scott's voice next to her.

"That's why we need to go to Kate's funeral," he finished. Apparently, Allison was being gossiped about by everyone for being a murderer's niece.

"You want to be there for her, I understand. But shouldn't we be looking for Lydia? Especially since she might be, you know...turning?" she questioned.

"Yeah, it's going to be freezing out tonight. But the problem is that we have no leads. Nothing. She could be anywhere."

"We'll look for her after, then. If Allison needs us, we'll be there for her."

Scott grinned at Maggie as they arrived at his locker.

"I'll see you in class." She smiled and turned on her heel to leave.

Holding the small piece of paper that contained her locker information, she walked through the hallway in search of her new locker.

She found it with ease and scurried to open it but was blocked by a tall boy, who looked like he could've been a foot taller than her.

"Excuse me," she said politely.

"S-sorry," he stuttered. He moved aside and opened his own locker.

"I'm Maggie," she said brightly, admiring his curly hair. She noticed his discomfort with her around, but shrugged it off anyway.

"I know," Isaac mumbled without thinking, then mentally cursed himself for saying that. It made him sound creepy, but it was true. Everyone knew who Magnolia Sylvan was.

"I'm I-isaac," he saved. She didn't seemed bothered at all though, so he relaxed a bit.

"Nice to meet you." She opened her new locker and began loading a couple of books and notebooks into it. "Sorry if I'm taking up your space," she apologized. "But I just had to switch lockers."

"Why?" asked Isaac. He didn't notice how easily he'd asked, no stuttering and no second thoughts about whether he'd said the right thing or not.

"Well, on my left, there was a boy whose locker smelled like something died in there. And on my right, there was a girl whose locker was absolutely covered in Broadway posters. I guess she's practicing for the spring musical or something because she never. stopped. singing. Don't get me wrong, her singing was lovely but I just can't listen to another note of Defying Gravity." Isaac chuckled slightly, forgetting that she was Magnolia Sylvan and he was Isaac Lahey. "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"


She laughed and smiled so sweetly at him that he was practically forced to smile back. He averted his eyes shyly, too embarrassed to look her in the eyes. Isaac didn't even notice Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski approaching them.

"You ready?" asked Scott.

"Yup!" Maggie replied, holding up her chemistry book.

"You're literally so energetic you'd think you actually want to learn," Stiles told her, smiling. Her always present positivity was adorable.

She closed her locker and faced them again. "No, I want to get school over with so we can go find Lydia. But I'm trying to keep my spirits up. I feel terrible today."

"You can tell," said Scott. He eyed her oversized sweatshirt and faded jeans.

"What?" Magnolia questioned cluelessly. "Are you saying I don't look fergalicious today?"

Stiles snorted in an attempt to muffle his laughter. Scott chuckled but replied, "Compared to your usual stuff, no."

"I thought the casual look was a thing," she said, dumbstruck.

Stiles shook his head no, grinning at her. "Let's just go to class." Scott laughed and they all turned to walk to chemistry class.

"Bye Isaac!" shouted Magnolia, looking back at him. He gave her a tiny smile and shut his own locker, walking to his next class.

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