epilogue » having the talk

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THE AMOUNT OF TIMES Allison had called or texted Maggie trying to apologize was more than she could count even after insisting that it was fine. As if she hadn't already apologized in person and they hugged it out.

"You didn't even hurt me," Maggie laughed. She sat up in Allison's bed and watched the huntress pace back and forth in her pajamas.

"But I could've."

"But you didn't. If you're going to apologize to anyone it should be Isaac. Since you stabbed him multiple times."

Allison stopped pacing. "I don't think so."

"You don't think you stabbed him?" Maggie asked.

Allison chuckled. "No I know that, I just don't think I'm going to say anything to him."

"Why not?"

"I don't want this to sound bad but... I don't really like him?"

There was a pause as both of them stared at each other expectantly.

"But I do," Maggie joked. Allison's mouth flew open and she threw a pillow at her.

"That's for Stiles!" she shouted in between laughs.

But that was a few days ago, and now Maggie was alone in the Beacon Hills dance studio to sort out some thoughts. Things were more or less normal again, though she knew things were about to change again.

She'd already finished stretching and was well into practicing her arabesques. It was in the middle of her chaîné, in between spins, that Stiles walked in and she saw his reflection in the mirrors.

Maggie turned around as he complimented, "Nice tutu."

"Thanks. How'd you find me here?"

"Well you didn't answer your phone so I drove by your house and your car wasn't there. So I figured you'd be here."

She crossed her arms and smiled. "Sorry I left it on silent since Allison keeps texting."

"Is she still trying to apologize? Scott said she wasn't letting it go easily."


The pair laughed. For a moment things were normal but when they both fell silent, it was strange. There was never such a need for them to speak before, but the look in their eyes said they understood they finally needed to talk.

"I was looking for you because I told you, back when Matt held us captive at the police station, that when this was over, we'd talk."


"Sorry that I interrupted you here. I know it's your safe space."

Maggie shrugged. "You're not bothering me." He gave her a warm smile.

"I'll let you go first if you have something to say."

"Alright." She inhaled deeply, knowing she did. "Your friendship means the world to me. I don't ever want to ruin that. I'm definitely not saying that dating would do that, but it's about to be summer. My parents bought us cruise tickets so I'll be gone this whole time."

"Oh!" he said, clearly surprised. "That sounds fun."

"Yeah. I think they're still feeling guilty about leaving me home alone most of the time. They're taking six weeks' vacation for this."

"What're you gonna do then?" he questioned. She thought carefully about what she was going to say next.

"You're one of my best friends so I owe you this much. I'm gonna be gone and we're not going to see each other. That can change everything, or nothing. But I saw the way you care for Lydia, the way you look at her. I'm not stupid. I know you've always loved her. But you say you've loved me too and that's where I get confused."

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