11.01 » visiting deaton

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MATT DAEHLER WAS FOUND DEAD under a bridge near the police station at 4:56 A.M. Magnolia wasn't released from police custody until 11:45 A.M. after a long, detailed questioning. That same night another long discussion was had with her parents about their lack of home presence. She, of course, was used to it and tried to reassure them that the reason she'd been held at gunpoint had nothing to do with them.

"If we hadn't been at work–" they said, as if that would've changed anything at all. Maggie tried to convince them that it was just a matter of wrong place, wrong time.

They came to the conclusion that they were proud of her for doing the right thing by offering any evidence she had to help save the people of Beacon Hills, but that she needed to check in a lot more often so they'd know of her whereabouts in case of an emergency.

Though unwillingly, Magnolia also started counseling sessions with Ms. Morrell. She was hesitant to open up, and stuck to solely talking about the events of that night. As a result, Morrell suggested to her parents that they adopt a pet for her to take care of so she wouldn't be as lonely while her parents were off saving lives at work, and hoping it would help Maggie open up to her a bit more. Little did she know, Maggie was hardly alone in the house with Camellia around and there was no chance she'd let Ms. Morrell dig into the inner workings of her thoughts. There was just way too much going on.

So that's how Magnolia ended up with a rescue puppy and of course, a brand new credit card from her parents to atone for ghosting their only daughter.

Camellia, however, didn't take it so lightly.

"You could've gotten us killed!" she'd nagged as soon as her parents had gone back to work that night. Maggie pretended to listen, as she desperately needed a good night's rest.

"You should've told me to come rescue you! It might've blown our secret but that's better than being dead!" Luckily, Magnolia shut her up with the promise of buying her a brand new prepaid iPhone, so they'd be in touch and Cam could watch her beloved Vines whenever she pleased.

A week had gone by since she'd been held hostage. She'd hardly seen any of her friends, but if they were experiencing anything similar to what she was, she understood why. She'd only attended one day of school so far, and hardly even paid attention to any of her lessons. Her days were blurs, the only thing she remembered were the nightmares she'd had at night of her being handcuffed and no one being around to help.

Still, it was finally the day of the lacrosse finals and to avoid thinking about attending, Maggie decided to be productive and take her puppy to get his final check up at Deaton's.

She pulled into the vet's parking lot slowly, as to not frighten her still unnamed pet. "Alright dog," she announced, "this should be easy peasy."

Maggie unloaded the carrier carefully and stepped into the office, hoping Scott would be there. Even though she knew she needed the alone time to process everything that had happened, she knew seeing him would be a light for her.

"Hello?" she called out into the seemingly empty office. The walls were lined with informative posters about pet care, the waiting room was vacant, and the front counter unattended.

She shared a look with Dog, then glanced behind the counter toward the doorway. Isaac emerged, and Magnolia's stomach flipped like a pancake. She hadn't seen him in two weeks and wasn't expecting to see him now, here of all places.

"Hi?" she questioned. He smiled softly at her, his blue eyes even more blue now that she'd admitted to herself that she'd missed him.

"Deaton said you can come to the back. He's almost done."

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