11.02 » watching the lacrosse finals

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MAGNOLIA COVERED HER COLD HANDS with the sleeves of her oversized hoodie. She was a little late, as usual, but Scott hadn't texted her until last minute and she had still been at the dance studio trying to ease her anxiety. She almost skipped going home but ultimately decided to stop by and change out of her leotard.

The crowd that had come out the support the team was large, and although it was heartwarming, she knew it meant more people were in danger if Gerard were to strike tonight, like Scott's text said.

Maggie spotted the boy on the bench, smiling when she saw he had saved her a seat directly behind him on the bleachers.

"Hey– oh my God Stiles is on the field."

Scott chuckled.

"... and he's a trainwreck." The ball flung right onto his helmet instead of his net. "Why aren't you out there?" she asked.

"Grades," he murmured.

"Ahh," Magnolia comprehended. "No plans yet?"

Scott shook his head. "Gerard's gonna make Jackson hurt someone and I'm not on the field to stop it. I have to get out there."

Scott tried to stand, but was abruptly pushed down by Coach Finstock.

"Sit down, McCall."

"But Coach we're dying out there," he contested.

"Oh, I'm aware of that. Now sit."

Scott sighed, and his mood changed immediately after Isaac took a seat next to him on the bench. Magnolia's chest warmed at the sight of him.

"You came to help," Scott said, relieved.

"I came to win," he clarified.

"Scott, why do you sound surprised?" Maggie questioned.

"You got a plan yet?" Isaac asked, deflecting from her inquiry.

"No right now it's pretty much just keep Jackson from killing anyone."

"Hello?" she insisted.

"Well, that might be easier if you're actually in the game. We have to make it so Coach has no choice but to play you." Isaac glanced at Maggie with a grin and she mocked it back.

"How do we do that?" Scott asked. "He's got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field." He looked at Isaac as the same plan began to form in their heads. "Can you do it without putting anyone in the hospital?"

Isaac smirked. "I can try." He stood up to join the game, before Maggie lightly tugged on his shorts. He turned to her.

"We're discussing this later," she told him.

"I know."

He walked onto the field.

✿  .・゜゜・ ❀ ・゜゜・.✿

Everything had been going according to plan for once, Isaac throwing his teammates around like basketballs. Magnolia had just texted Cami that all was well and she was safe when Jackson and Isaac collided violently, with the latter's leg taking most of the blow.

Scott and Maggie were instantly at his side. He lay perfectly still in the grass.

"It's not broken," he assured them. "But I can't move it. I think Jackson nicked me 'cause I can feel it spreading."

"Shit," Magnolia murmured. She took Isaac's hand in hers, and he gave her a hopeful smile. Scott looked off to the sidelines, and Maggie's eyes followed. Gerard's lips were moving, but she couldn't hear a thing. "I'll take care of Isaac. You handle Jackson."

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