3.02 » chasing suspicions

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"SHE REALLY STARTED screaming at the ice?" Magnolia asked curiously, stuffing her books in her locker.

"Yup. Lydia was knelt down on the ice and started screaming at the ground," Stiles said, leaning against the lockers next to Magnolia's.

"That's... odd."

"Is something wrong Maggie? You seem distracted."

She sighed, slamming her locker shut. Looking at Isaac's locker, she murmured, "I miss him."

Stiles shot her a look, surprising her. "You two were barely friends. And he almost killed us that night at the police station. Do you remember that?"

"Of course I do. I just really like him for some reason. He was really sweet the day I met him. Possibly the sweetest guy I've ever met."

"Yeah, possibly," Stiles sarcastically remarked. Magnolia, however, didn't catch it and the two made their way to the cafeteria.

"I hope he's doing okay. I mean, his father was murdered, he has to stay in hiding, and now he's a werewolf. It seems beyond rough."

"Crap," Stiles muttered, swiftly taking Maggie's hand in his and hurrying towards the table Scott was currently eating at.

"Huh?" was all Magnolia could manage before they reached Scott.

"Scott. You see that?" questioned Stiles.

"What? It's an empty table."

"Yeah but whose empty table?"

"Boyd," Scott breathed, having an epiphany.

Derek needed three betas to complete his pack. He had Isaac and Erica. Boyd was the third and final beta.

Magnolia should've felt more concerned about the news. But all she could think about was the fact that Stiles was still holding her hand.

And although she wasn't aware, Stiles keeping it there was no accident.

✿  .・゜゜・ ❀ ・゜゜・.✿

The trio hurried down the front steps of the school, determined to save Boyd from Derek's manipulative ways.

"I'm gonna go to the ice rink and see if he's there. Maggie, you stay here in case we missed him. And if he's not at home Stiles, you call me. Got it?" commanded Scott. He noticed Stiles' hesitation. "What?"

"Just... maybe we should let him. Boyd, you know. You said Derek's giving them a choice right?"

"We can't."

"You gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good. In other words, sensational comes to mind."

Magnolia focused on the lockers they passed as they walked down the hall, trying not to dwell on her dismality.

"Yeah, well how good do you think she's gonna look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head?" questioned Scott.

"I'm just saying this one isn't totally your responsibility."

"They all are. And you know things are gonna get out of control and that makes me responsible."

"All right. I'm with ya," said Stiles, giving in to Scott. "And I also gotta say this newfound heroism is making me very attracted to you."

"Shut up."

"No, seriously. Can we start making out for a second? Just to see how it feels."

Scott made a face as they found Stiles' Jeep in the school parking lot. The boys loaded into the car, with Maggie at Stiles' window.

"If this doesn't work out, I can always ask Derek to turn me into a werewolf so I can help out," she suggested jokingly. Scott gave her a grave look and she quickly added, "Just kidding."

Scott sighed, letting his head hang. Stiles patted him on the back and turned to face Magnolia again. "Just focus on staying–"

"–safe. I know."

Stiles smiled softly at her response, said goodbye, and pulled out of the parking lot. Magnolia, feeling rather lonely without the boys, walked to her own car. She was parked close to the main entrance of the school so she had a clear view of anyone exiting or entering the building. Settling her things in the backseat, she turned on her car to activate the heater. Rubbing her hands together, she scanned the scene. It was just over half an hour since school ended. There were a few stragglers behind, but for the most part, everyone had either gone home or stayed inside for whatever club or sport they had. Magnolia figured that if Boyd was still at school, he'd be inside instead of out.

Reluctantly, she stepped out of her warm car made her way up the steps to the main doors. Smiling at the few people still in the hallway, she walked into the library. It was the right amount of people working without the noisy chatter, and she wished she had time to study. Not wanting to seem suspicious, she pretended to scan the nearest bookshelf for a book to read, but in reality, she was glancing at all the faces in the room.

None of them belonged to Boyd. She sighed quietly and roamed between the rows of bookshelves, figuring she might as well pick up a book since she was there.

Magnolia picked one of the shelf, admiring its pretty spine, and read the back for more information about the unknown book. It seemed interesting, so she opened up to page one just to test it out. After five sentences or so, she got the feeling someone was watching her. She looked up and down the aisle she was in, but saw no one. Taking the book with her, she turned the corner and searched for another book.

Magnolia knew that as long as she pretended she hadn't seen anyone, they would probably come back. Then, she'd catch them.

Trying to stay calm, she took another book off the shelf and opened it to the first page.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

A figure peered at her from around the shelf's corner. They were to her left. They were watching her.

In one swift motion, she dropped her books and charged towards the figure. Magnolia heard the person's footsteps scurrying away, but when she turned the corner, all she saw was the figure exiting through the back door of the library. Hoping to catch up, she followed.

Pushing the door open, Magnolia scoured for a sight of the suspicious person but saw only one thing.

A small, yet radiant flower.

words are empty air ➳ stiles / isaac [1]Where stories live. Discover now