2.01 » losing nine pounds

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"YOU REALLY DON'T remember anything?" asked Allison as she, Lydia, and Maggie walked up the steps to school.

"They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying 'we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days'," Lydia joked. "I personally don't care. I lost nine pounds."

"At least you're seeing the bright side of this," Maggie said, laughing along with Allison. Lydia just shrugged her shoulders carelessly.

"Are you ready for this?" asked Allison.

"Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer."

The joke was a little amusing, but jabbed Allison nonetheless. Maggie patted her shoulder encouragingly and followed Lydia through the main entrance of Beacon Hills High School. Inside, everyone had stopped to stare at the queen bee, who had pretty much gone insane in the eye of the student body. Maggie smiled at them uncomfortably.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds?" whispered Allison.

Lydia regained her composure and stalked off with Maggie and Allison on her trail. When they came across the main hallway, they parted ways to head to their respective locker.

Magnolia smiled enormously when she saw Isaac at his locker. "Good morning!"

"Morning," he replied dully. He gathered his books clumsily and turned to leave.

"Wait," she murmured quietly, subconsciously touching the crook of his arm ever so slightly. He turned to face her again, but she realized that touching him had probably made him uncomfortable so she let her arm fall to her side.

"Are you okay? I mean, you can talk to me about it if you'd like." She offered her friendship genuinely but hoped she didn't sound nosey.

"I-I'm fine. I have morning lacrosse practice so I guess I'll see you l-later," he said shakily.

She nodded at him, sending him a small smile. Maggie watched as Isaac walked away, both disappointed and worried. She knew that they had barely become friends and that he had no real reason to confide in her. She was just a little disappointed that she didn't get the chance to help however she could.

Maggie got her books and walked back down the hall towards her next class when she heard someone calling for her. She turned around and saw a girl named Erica who was waving her over. They didn't talk much but Magnolia always greeted her kindly.

"Good morning," Erica said smiling.

"Good morning! Hey, did you do the study guide? I heard there's a pop quiz today in chem."

"Really? I did half of it but I'm finishing it during free period," said Erica.

"I barely remembered about the study guide this morning," Magnolia groaned. "Now I have to finish it half-assed."

Erica laughed, but was interrupted by the beep of Maggie's phone. She pulled it out of her bag in one swoop and scanned the screen.

Stiles: Scott says there's another WW in school. Be safe + keep a lookout

Maggie's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and disbelief before putting her phone away. It didn't take two guesses to know "WW" meant werewolf.

"I have to go but I'll see you in class later, okay?" she attempted to say with a smile, but was sure she had already turned pale.

"Yeah," Erica replied. She looked at Maggie wearily, but didn't question her. Magnolia turned on her heels to scurry off but heard Erica call out, "Thanks for the heads up on the pop quiz!" Maggie gave her a thumbs up but didn't slow her pace. She made it her mission to find the werewolf herself, and fast.

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