8.04 » breaking barriers

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CAMELLIA HAD NO TROUBLE getting into the rave, however after entering she wished there wasn't a plan to uphold because the rave truly was in full force. She looked around for Jackson, but the bright neon lights made everyone inside look annoyingly similar.

"Hey Maggie!" she barely heard a feminine voice call. She almost didn't react for a split second.

"Hey!" Cam replied back before recognizing Allison with a guy she didn't know.

"You look amazing," Allison complimented in disbelief.

"Yeah, well. I figured I should look the part for my first rave," she smiled as bright as she could, attempting to Magnolia-ify herself as possible.

The guy spoke up. "Would you mind taking a picture of us Maggie?"

"Suuuure," she answered, partly confused as to who he was. Clearly he knew Magnolia but Cam swore she'd never seen him before. She whipped her phone out anyway.

"Actually I have a camera–"

"Yeah whatever." She quickly snapped the picture even though they clearly weren't ready. "I'll send y'all the pic later! Gotta go!" She danced off, leaving the pair confused.

'Alright, if I was a homicidal lizard where would I be?' she thought to herself. Almost simultaneously, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned, only to collide with a very muscular chest and was forced to look up to make eye contact. The guy nodded his head to the right, where Cam spotted a blonde pulling Jackson in to dance with her.

'This must be Erica and Isaac,' she thought as she followed him over to dance uncomfortably close to Jackson and the blonde. 'This is who Magnolia doesn't like?' She mentally scoffed as she ran her hands over his biceps and had a close up view of his insane jaw line. 'Stiles shmiles.'

Camellia and Erica were sandwiched in between Jackson and Isaac, basically anyone's fantasy ever. Cam almost froze when she felt Isaac's body press against the back of hers, his lips running over her collarbone. He rested his hand on her waist and she decided to go for it. Turning her head to make eye contact, he read the sign and kissed her. Camellia almost lost herself in the moment until Isaac abruptly pulled back. His faced looked pained, right before falling to the ground with Erica right next to him. Cam turned to see Jackson standing there with a diabolical look on his face, claws out.

'Should I...' she thought, briefly considering using her powers but Jackson began walking away instead of paralyzing her too.

Startled, Camellia looked back at the two on the floor struggling to move. Isaac grunted as he tried to reach the needle he had dropped on the floor.

'This is it! The ketamine!' she thought. She grabbed it and swiftly caught up to Jackson, plunging it into his neck. His lifeless body nearly dropped to the floor but Isaac, surprisingly healed from the venom, caught him just in time.

"Let's go," he commanded. Cam helped Erica up and they followed him to a small room toward the back of the warehouse. Isaac set Jackson down in a chair carefully, unsure if the ketamine was enough to subdue him.

"What now? We kill him?" Camellia asked. Isaac and Erica looked at her funny. 'Oh fuck', she thought. 'Magnolia would never say that.'

As if on queue Stiles burst through the door, both terrifying and distracting them from Cam's blunder.

"Uh, no, no, no!" he yelled as they almost pounced. "It's just me. Don't freak. He okay?"

"Well - let's find out," Isaac answered. He extracted his claws with a quick swipe and slashed at Jackson. In a split second he stopped Isaac's hand and gripped it hard enough to break bones. The cracking sound made Camellia cringe. Isaac groaned in pain, clutching his arm to him.

words are empty air ➳ stiles / isaac [1]Where stories live. Discover now