1.03 » crashing funerals

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"REPORTERS REALLY HAVE no boundaries," Magnolia huffed. "This is a funeral and they need to respect that."

"Well we're kind of crashing this thing too, Maggie."

"Good point."

Scott and Magnolia were both crouched behind a ridiculously large gravestone, watching Allison's family arrive at Kate Argent's funeral.

She watched Scott's eyes as they gazed longingly at Allison. He was obviously oh so in love with her. Scott noticed Maggie staring at him, and he looked at her with a smile. "What? Jealous?"

Magnolia laughed and shook her head no.

"Don't worry, just because I love her doesn't mean I love you any less. They're just different kinds of love." Scott threw his arm over her shoulder and around her neck, pulling her closer to him. She stumbled on her feet trying to keep her balance.

"You're choking me a little, Scotty," she said. He released her from his grip and she scooted back to her original spot."Why isn't Stiles here yet? Detention should've already finished."

"We're talking about Mr. Harris here, Maggie. He'd keep Stiles locked in a dungeon if he could."

"True," she mumbled disappointedly. Scott shoved his shoulder against hers.

"Worried about Stiles, eh?" he questioned with his eyebrow raised.

She slapped her hand over his mouth with a quiet, "Shush!" Scott rolled his eyes at her silly panicking as if to say, 'Who's going to hear us out here?' but Magnolia wouldn't take any chances.

Only Scott and Allison knew about her feelings for Stiles. Maggie had kept it from Lydia long ago because Lydia didn't approve of her dating "losers." Then she decided to keep it from her for good when she found out Stiles liked Lydia because Maggie didn't want to ruin his chances, even if they were minuscule.

She'd been good at keeping it a secret from everyone else, because she treated all of her guy friends the same. No one suspected she had feelings for anyone. Magnolia hadn't even dated anyone at all since arriving at Beacon Hills all those years ago.

Scott and Maggie averted their attention back to the funeral, noticing an older-looking man talking to a photographer who looked about their age. Although she couldn't hear what the man was saying, she knew Scott could hear him with his werewolf senses. The old man took the photographer's memory chip out of the camera and dropped it on the floor rudely.

Suddenly, Stiles appeared out of nowhere, causing Maggie to crash into Scott. He crouched down beside them.

"Sorry," Stiles breathed. "What did I miss?"

"Not much," replied Scott.

"Then who's that?"

Scott and Maggie turned back to the funeral as the old man hugged Mr. and Mrs. Argent.

"Probably Grandpa Argent?" she suggested, as the man spoke to Allison. He suddenly snapped his head up and looked in their direction, the trio rapidly diving behind the gravestone. The man turned back to Allison and ended the conversation. As soon as he sat down, Allison glanced at them and Scott gave her a small wave.

"Hey, you know, maybe they're just here for the funeral," Stiles suggested. "What if they're the non-hunting side of the family? There could be non-hunting Argents. That's possible, right?"

"You know what they are? They're reinforcements," stated Scott. Stiles and Scott suddenly stood up.

"Guys, what–" Maggie started, before looking up and seeing Sheriff Stilinski holding the boys up from their collars.

"You three are unbelievable," he scoffed. "Follow."

"Following," she sing-songed nervously. Papa Stilinski dragged Scott and Stiles back to his police car and made them all sit in the backseat. The sheriff had barely gotten into the driver's seat when his radio buzzed in.

"Four-one-five Adam," a man said amid the static.

"Did you say four-one-five Adam?" repeated Sheriff Stilinski.

"Disturbance in a car," whispered Stiles, translating the police code. Magnolia was a little uncomfortable being wedged in the middle, but dealt with it.

"They were taking a heart attack victim DOA, but on the way to the hospital, something hit them," the man said.

"Hit the ambulance?" asked the sheriff, obviously perplexed.

"Copy that," the man confirmed. "I'm standing in front of it right now. Something got in the back. There's blood everywhere, and I mean everywhere."

"All right Unit 4, what's your 20?"

"Route 5 and Post. I swear, I've never seen anything like this."

"Take it easy, I'm on my way," assured the sheriff. "Now, as for you three–" He turned around but stopped midsentence. The trio was already gone.

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