12.03 » unveiling scott's masterplan

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THE UNLIKELY TRIO HAD DRIVEN halfway across town to the abandoned warehouses, not far from the one the rave had been held at. Maggie was in the backseat secretly sending her location to Camellia and Stiles.

Derek turned to look between the two of them. "Stay here. Especially you." He looked at Peter knowingly.

"Where could we possibly go?" Peter looked at Maggie. She shrugged, playing along. She knew they'd both be following Derek as soon as he was out of hearing range.

He rolled his eyes and exited his Camaro, wolf-running around the corner and out of sight.

"Okay so what's the plan?" she asked him.

Peter chuckled. "You're still going to trust me after you just tried to kill me an hour ago?"

"Whatever you had to do with Lydia's disappearance and weird behavior is the least of our problems right now. Let's just go before Derek does anything stupid."

"I admire how you really believe that you can stop him."

"Maybe I can." Magnolia swung open the car door, shutting it as quietly as possible behind her. Her response had confused Peter for a second, but he quickly caught up to her.

"Let me go first," he whispered.

"So you can protect me?"

"No so I can hear what they're saying," he scoffed. Maggie rolled her eyes but tip-toed behind the ex-alpha. "Let's go around so they don't see us."

The night was still with no third party noises to drown out their footsteps, but thankfully Peter was sneaky and Maggie was light on her feet. They approached the scene and hid behind the heavy machinery nearby. First she saw Isaac, then Scott and weirdly enough, Mr. Argent.

"Where's Derek?" he asked. As if on queue, Derek came wolf-running down the road, stopping in front of the three men but not before performing a dramatic front flip and shifting to his ruby eyes.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Someone certainly enjoys making an entrance."

Maggie shrugged but looked back at the scene.

"I'm here for Jackson. Not you," announced Mr. Argent.

"Somehow, I don't find that very comforting. Get him inside." He nodded toward the bodybag. Scott and Isaac look unsure, but hauled it inside the warehouse with Derek and Mr. Argent behind them.

Maggie looked to Peter for instructions, and he pointed to a door around the back of the building. They snuck inside with no issues, once again hiding behind more machinery.

The warehouse was extraordinarily large, with Chris Argent's SUV in the middle of the room. The only light came from the dim lights above and the moonbeams coming in from the windows.

"Where are they?" Scott asked.


"Peter, Maggie, and Lydia."

She looked at Peter, who just shook his head and kept watching. Derek ignored Scott and began to unzip the bag.

"Whoa, hold on a second," Scott insisted. "You said you knew how to save him."

"We're past that."

"What about—"

"Think about it, Scott," Derek urged, tearing open the bag. Jackson's body was no longer in the clear cocoon they had mentioned, he only appeared asleep. "Gerard controls him now. He's turned Jackson into his own personal guard dog. And he set all of this in motion so that Jackson could get even bigger and more powerful."

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