Chapter 1: Meme

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                                                   It was the day he'd been waiting for.

                                 He was going to marry Wiktoria today!

                                                      Meme jumped out of bed, and ran to his closet. He and Wiktoria had slept in different houses last night to keep the element of surprise of how they looked for the wedding. Meme was so excited to see how she looked in her tux. 

                                     Then again, Wiktoria was beautiful in everything.

                                                   Meme heard noises coming from downstairs. Footsteps sounded, and Meme looked to see Nadwe and TBH coming to check on him.

                    "Meme! It's your wedding dayyyyy! How do you feel?" TBH asked.

                                                               "A little nervous, but mostly excited. I hope she'll say yes." Meme replied honestly, nervously fidgeting with his hands as he spoke.

                              "If she said yes to being your fiance, she'll say yes to becoming your wife." Nadwe reassured him, laughing a little bit. Meme wanted to stick his tongue out at the fourteen year old, but just laughed it off. He had no time to made a remark to Nadwe, and point out that a lot of things could happen in twenty-four hours. He needed to get ready.

                                                "You two go back down. I'll be there in a minute." Meme told them hurriedly. TBH and Nadwe exchanged amused glances, but went back down per Meme's order.

                   Meme got dressed, and went back to meet them as promised.

                                                           "Woah, Meme!" Nadwe exclaimed, laughter in his eyes. Meme knew that it was kinda funny that he and Wicky had switched the roles kinda. It was meant to be funny. That's why Meme laughed along with Nadwe.

                                    "I know. It's a look, isn't it?" Meme joked.

                                                                               "Meme, Meme, let's chat real quick." TBH implored. Meme nodded, and TBH led him to a corner of the house.

                                                "What's up?" Meme asked.

                                "You still have time. Why not just marry me instead?" TBH asked, somewhat jokingly.

                                                             "Bro, I-" Meme broke off into laughter. It was his main reaction to everything. Meme just couldn't help it. Whether it was actually funny or not, he laughed. It had gotten him into a lot of trouble when he was younger before his parents and teachers had realized it wasn't really his fault.

                         This however, was hilarious.

                                                "Look, Wiktoria may be cool and all, but can she do this?" TBH pressed, quickly doing a crab dance. Meme laughed for a solid minute more before replying.

                                         "Bro, I'm literally getting married." Meme dismissed him jokingly. TBH pouted for a moment before giving in to laughing at the joke that was so common between him and Meme, and walked outside, presumably to talk to Socks.

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