Chapter 22: Socks

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                           " please tell me everything. I gotta know."

         At Memes words, Socks froze for a moment before thinking of how he should even begin. He'd thought that Meme hadn't thought it was him, but maybe he wanted to hear everything from Socks perspective. 

                    Whatever the reason, Socks was happy to oblige. He just wanted his best friend back.

                                                                    "Meme, I had no idea something was going to happen when I planned the wedding. I checked everywhere around the area! I don't who did it, or why, but I tried my best. It sucked that you thought it was me." Socks started, trailing off as he remembered how cold Meme had been to Socks that night as Socks was wrongfully thrown into the prison.

                                                 "I'm sorry I did. I didn't mean for it to go so far." Meme sighed.


                           The two sat in silence for a moment before Meme decided to ask a question.

                                                                                   "Socks, what happened after you escaped the trial?" Meme asked, genuinely curious as to what had happened to his friend. Socks shrugged.

                                                                 "I went to the base to get some supplies and roll out, but Laff found me. He offered a disguise so that I could still be near you guys and not have to hide. It would be a whole new identity...but the machine malfunctioned. Instead of disguising me, it took my voice. Talk about a bad situation getting worse! Now I was still myself, and couldn't even speak to say a defense! Laff hid me upstairs in his house until after you and Nadwe had gone through...whatever it was. I'd gotten frustrated, and ended up punching him."

                                           "WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT- You punched LAFF?" Meme exclaimed in shock. Laff wasn't the sort of guy who'd let that slide, and he was bigger then Socks as well, because he worked out at TBHs gym. 

              "Yeah...he didn't take it well." Socks chuckled. 

                                                                                         "So what happened after that?" Meme wanted to know. Socks raised a eyebrow.

                             "Not much, honestly. He was pissed, obviously, so I ran. Got all the way to Blazas base before he had me cornered. That's when Blaza saw me, and Laff kinda just...let me go, laughing about how would I defend myself to Blaza without a voice." Socks said indifferently.

                                                                             "That's kinda messed up. How DID you tell Blaza what happened?" Meme questioned, knowing that Blaza couldn't hold a grudge to save his life, but he wasn't so forgiving when he felt betrayed, and Socks had made him feel betrayed.

                                                                "Well, I got some paper and a pen. He allowed me to write down everything, and when he read it, he understood. After that, he persuaded me that you would help me. Thanks for that, by the way." Socks told him sheepishly.

                    Socks waited for Meme to say something, but all Meme said was  'huh.' 

                                                 "Of course, Socks. I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that. It's my fault. I should've made more of a effort to tell you what I believed, or at least let you defend yourself for gosh sake!" Meme sighed.

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