Chapter 17: Nadwe

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                       Nadwe felt very tired. All the spells and everything had left him feeling very drained and exhausted. It didn't help that he'd already not slept much the night before. He didn't understand why Laff had felt the need to 'cleanse' him, but it had hurt. 

                                         When he'd woken up back at Memes house, he'd still been exhausted. After the talk with Meme, it had gotten even worse. Meme had recommended that he rest.

          "I don't want to." Nadwe groaned.

                                                         "Nadwe, you've gotta be pretty drained from earlier. That was a lot of magic in one day...used on you. Please just take it easy. Take a nap or something." Meme suggested.

                                                                               "Fine, but I'm not happy about it." Nadwe sighed. He laid down on the couch that he had been sitting on. 

                                   Meme walked away as Nadwe closed his eyes. How was one supposed to just...fall asleep on command? Sure, he was tired, but it was never easy to sleep. This would take forever. 

                                                     Erasing those thoughts from his brain, Nadwe just made himself comfy, and focused on sleep and how tired he was. Eventually, he managed to fall asleep.


                        He saw Socks, scared and running for his life. He saw pure terror in Socks eyes as he was cornered. There was a loud 'pop' and then all Nadwe knew was Socks's pain and the feeling that they'd made a huge mistake.


                                                                             Nadwe woke up with a gasp, nearly jumping off of the couch. Muffinjuice ran in, hearing his friend. 

               "We made a huge mistake." Nadwe gasped.

                                      "What do you mean, Nadwe?" Muffin asked, willing his friend to make sense.

                                                             "Socks...bad things are happening to him and it's all our faults! We should've never driven him off...we never should've said he was guilty. Now he could be badly hurt or in danger, and it's our faults!" Nadwe explained, nearly having a mental breakdown.

                                                                                       "Woah woah woah...Nadwe, it'll be okay. If there's any one of us who manages to get out of things scot free, it's Socks. He's smart, and he'll be fine. I promise you. If you're so worried about him, why don't you use your vampire powers to go and talk to him?" Muffin suggested, putting a comforting arm around his friend.

      "I would, but...I'm already pretty drained, and nobody else knows I can do this. Meme and TBH would freak." Nadwe rolled his eyes.

                           "I'll stand guard. Just do it. You know it'll make you feel better." Muffin told him.

                                                         Thinking for a moment, Nadwe gave in. It's what he really wanted to do anyway. It was a weird specific vampire power of his that if he closed his eyes and focused really hard on wanting to see and talk to someone, he could either appear in a ghostly form next to them and be able to speak to them, or be in their mind. It varied, but either way it was effective. He'd only used the power once though, and it had been accidental. That's how Muffin knew.

                                  Nadwe had been trying to take a nap in the hours before the cleansing, and he'd been thinking of talking to Muffin. It had been normal until he'd felt something weird, and opened his eyes. He'd ended up in a ghostly form next to a wide-eyed Muffinjuice, who'd promptly asked for details. Together, the two fourteen year olds had realized that it was a power specific to Nadwe, and that it was pretty easy to trigger. The hardest part was going back and stopping the use of the power.

                                                                                         "Alright, but you better make sure that Meme and TBH don't see me. You know I look dead whenever I do this. It's like my soul...or whatever's left of it...goes on a journey and separates itself from my body. Meme would have a mental breakdown. DO NOT LET HIM KNOW." Nadwe warned.

                     "Aye aye, captain. Anything for fourteen year old gang." Muffin promised. 

                                                With one last look at Muffin, Nadwe laid back down and this time, focused on his energy on Socks and talking to him. It only took a moment before he found himself in front of Socks, and he was transparent looking. 

                                     "Socks!" Nadwe called out, noticing that Socks wasn't looking at him.

                 Socks turned around, and paled when he saw Nadwe. His hands covered his mouth, and tears gathered in his eyes.

                                                                       "Nadwe...are you dead? Did the person kill you too?" Socks asked him wordlessly. And this is how Nadwe realized that he could read peoples thoughts like this if they were directed to him.

                              "No...I'm alive. This is a power of mine, don't worry. Are you okay, I had a dream, and it got me really worried." Nadwe got to the point, needing to know.

                                                           "I'm so glad your not dead, and so relieved right now. Nadwe, my's gone." Socks confessed.

                                                                                             That explained why he wasn't actually talking to him, just directing thoughts towards him, but it led to more anxiety on Nadwes part.

                                                                                                              "What? How?" Nadwe exclaimed.

                      "After the dragon attack, I ran away. Laff found me, however. He convinced me to go with him, and he was going to help me. He tried to use a machine to disguise me, but it malfunctioned, and now my voice is gone. Then I had to run away because I accidentally punched Laff when he said he couldn't fix it. Now I'm with Blaza, and he doesn't trust me yet. I still need to explain everything to him." Socks explained.

                                                  "Go to Memes new doctors office. It's near TBH's gym and burger place. Up the sandy hill. It's easy to spot. He should be able to fix it." Nadwe said.

                                                                                 "Why would Meme help me...he thinks I killed his wife, and he got me convicted for a murder I didn't commit." Socks asked.

                                  "Listen..he tried to tell you before, but Laff got in the way every time. Meme knows it wasn't you. All of this was a plan with his team. Your team...may somewhat actually believe it, but Meme believes you. Please go see him in the medical center. You can tell him everything, and you can both explain it all to each other once he fixes your voice, which I'm sure he will." Nadwe confessed.

                                                              Before Socks could reply, Nadwe was suddenly dragged back to his body and Memes house.

                                                                                         "Did you do it?" Muffin asked.

                       "I did it." Nadwe confirmed, smiling.

                                                            Everything would be fixed soon.

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