Chapter 5: Blaza

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                                             Blaza felt like he was doing something crazy by running off and helping Socks along with Dino, Joocie, Oompa and Laff, but he had no choice.

                 It wasn't Socks, and Blaza would stand by that belief.

                                Nobody could fake the anguish, terror, horror, and grief that had been in Socks eyes that day. It was impossible.

            Besides, it was almost impossible for it to be Socks anyway. Socks may be smarter than a lot of the group, but he wasn't THAT smart. There was no in Blaza's mind that Socks could've done this. Socks was a lot of things, but he wasn't a murderer, and Socks certainly would never purposefully do anything to hurt his friends.

                                              And there was no doubt about it. What had happened that night had obviously been purposeful.

           Blaza would know anyway. He had powers for this kind of thing. He would've had a gut feeling that Socks was lying if it had been him.

                           What bothered Blaza, however, was that this power of his seemed to be on vacation.

                                    No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't sense that anyone was lying about anything. It had to be one of them, but Blaza couldn't tell who. It honestly kept him awake at night. Blaza tried to use it every time he talked to one of his friends, but it just wasn't happening at the moment.

                     Literally the worst time for his powers to suddenly not work.

         Blaza tried to be calm about it though. There were many reasons why this could be happening. Perhaps something or someone knew what he was trying to do, and therefore had blocked it.

                                             But how could they do that?

                         Out of all his friends, Blaza didn't know of any one of them who could block a power from working. Of course, there were the few who didn't have powers, such as Nadwe and Laff, but they had no technology to do this.

                                                       All power things aside, Blaza knew that Socks was going to try his best to find out who the killer was. He might act tough, but Socks was a nice guy. Even though Meme threw him in Prison for a crime he didn't commit, he was still Socks friend.

                Blaza knew from experience that Socks would do anything for his friends.

                                  Shaking his head to stop overthinking everything, Blaza got out of bed. Stretching, he got ready for the day. He'd let Socks stay in the guest bedroom at his base. He'd called Dino ahead of time to get it ready.

               He put on a suit, because he wanted to be respectful for the funeral. He might not be on Meme's side, but that didn't matter. A funeral was a funeral. You showed respect for the dead person and their loved ones no matter what differences you had.

                                                 Laff had come earlier to tell them about the funeral, and so Blaza had decided to take a small nap in preparation.

            That nap had turned into full-on sleep, and Blaza was rushing now. He wished he could regret it, but he honestly didn't. Naps were the best.

                                                         "Blaza, are you ready?" Socks yelled from the doorway. Straightening his tie, Blaza nodded.

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