Chapter 2

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Kenli Pov;
After the game was over I told Tyson and Pay I had to go meet Luke for dinner so I had to go, we said our goodbyes and I got in my truck and drove over go Lukes house. Luke hadn't texted me what time so I decided to just show up cause I was practically they're kid too Momma Bryan is my other mom. I walked in and momma was cooking her heart out like she always does "Need any help momma?" I asked sitting on the kitchen stool looking at her. "No baby thank you though! Luke and Umm what's her name should be here soon" she said smiling. I chucked "I think her name is Cayley momma but I'm not sure" I said standing up and getting a bottle of water. "Hey baby can you go call Tommy in for dinner he needs to wash his hands and clean up before they get here" she said as she slaved over the stove. "Sure thang momma" i said walking out the back door out to the barn "Pa? Are you in here?" I hollered "back here" he holed from under the tractor. "Momma sent me out here to get you for dinner, Luke and Cayley should be here soon" I said in a mumbled voice. "I'll be right in! Thank you sweetie" he said before crawling out from under the tractor. I walked out back towards the house and saw Lukes truck coming down the driveway I smiled but that soon faded when I saw her head laying on his shoulder. "He's just my friend" I whispered under my breathe before walking in the back door. "They're here momma" I hollered as I Walked to the bathroom. I checked my hair and straightened my shirt I should've brought a pull over shirt cause I know I'm gonna get cold. I heard the front door opened so I opened the bathroom door and walked out to find Luke and Cayley whipping they're feet, I snuck around the back way to the kitchen so they couldn't see me. "Here let me help you momma" I said grabbing forks and plates for everybody. "Momma?" I heard Luke call out. "We're in here honey" she said turning the burners on low, I looked up and Luke stood in the doorway I smiled "you're here" he said smiling. "Yeah I came early to help momma" I said smiling looking at momma "well everybody this is Cayley! Cayley this is my mom LeClair and this is Kenli my best friend" he said and she smiled sticking her hand out i shook it "nice to meet you!" I said trying to be nice she smiled at me faintly and turned her attention to momma. I rolled my eyes she's one of them preppy girls I thought to myself as I finished setting the table. "You look nice" Luke's southern voice rang out threw the dinning room. I looked up and smiled "nothing out of the ordinary" I mumbled as I noticed I was getting the death glare from Cayley.. I smiled at Luke before turning around and getting more plates for the table and the Pa walked in. "Pa this is Cayley, Cayley this is Tommy my father" Lukes southern voice spoke. I looked over at Cayley and she gulped I kinda chuckled knowing he was kinda afraid of Pa. "Nice to meet you Mr. Bryan!" She called out shaking his hand "same here darlin!" He said before sitting down at the table. Luke pulled out her chair and then ran around and pulled mine out I thanked him as he walked around to sit on the other side. He usually always sits right next to me and has since we were little kids.. I looked over at her and she had a fake smile on her face looking at me, I smiled back as we joined hands to pray. "Dear Lord thank you for a beautiful day, my beautiful family and friends, another beautiful day on this earth, and most of all thank you for putting food in our stomachs, bless this food in Jesus name we pray amen" Pa called out. We all said "amen" and dug in. "So Cayley tell me about yourself" Momma called out trying to make small talk. "Well I'm 19 years old, I graduated in Atlanta I was an early graduate, Umm my dad owns Western Union, my mother is a fashion designer Umm I have a older brother he's 21 like Luke, and I'm originally from L.A." I nearly choked on my food, way to go Luke you go yourself a city girl I thought to myself. I looked up at momma and she was wide eyed and trying to hide it "very nice" momma said smiling I then looked over at Pa and he was looking down at his plate thinking hard about something I tried not to laugh as I finished my food. I excused myself and put my plate in the kitchen before sneaking off to the basement which is Lukes room and a few minutes later I heard footsteps coming "im gonna grab a sweatshirt I'll be right back" Luke called out as he came down the stairs I was laying on his bed but I got up and went to his closet and grabbed out a wrangler button up to cover myself with since it was getting chilly. "What are You doing down here?" He called
Out coming around the corner "I got cold" I mumbled as I turned to look at him. "Everything ok?" He said stopping to look at me. "Just fine" I said trying to avoid we contact with him "Kj what's wrong?" He said grabbin And looking at me. "Luke I'm fine" i whined. "Kenli" he said sternly looking me in the eyes. "Ugh fine! I'm afraid she's gonna pull you away from me like Jenny did Luke.. I don't want that to happen! She clearly already hates me" I said as I laid my head on his chest not wanting to hear what he was about to say. "She don't hate you Kj she don't even know you!" He said looking into my eyes again "Luke did you clearly not see the death glare she gave me all throughout dinner?" I mumbled backing away from him. "She what?" He said calmly walking towards me and sitting on the end of his bed "she's clearly jealous of our relationship Luke" I said looking over at him "and I don't want to lose you!" I said burying my face into his pillow "Kj you ain't gonna lose me! I promise! Look if I planned on getting rid of you then why would I have this in my wallet?" He said and pulled out pictures of us from little kids all the way to when we went to prom together our senior year. "I don't know" I said looking at him. "I'll talk to her" he said standing up grabbing a jacket, "come on were gonna start a fire" he said reaching out for my hand i excepted and stood up and Luke wiped the tears from under my eyes "you're my best friend and always will be! No one can replace you" he whispered as he pulled me into a hug. I smiled into his chest and nodded my head "okay you go up and I'll be up in a few" I said and he looked at me weird "why?" He asked. "Because she'll get mad if you were down here with me!" I said and pushed him "just go!" I said laughing "I'll never understand women" he mumbled walking away, I waited about five minutes before coming back up and they were already outside except for momma she was doing the dishes "oh momma come on join us tonight" I pleaded "honey come here a minute" she said drying her hands "whats wrong momma?" I asked sitting down "what do you think of her?" She asked in a nice tone "well she seems alright I said" with a half smile and momma looked at me "honey I can see right through that fake smile.." She said laughing "between you and me I don't care for her either" she whispered and I chuckled covering my face with my hands. "If she makes Luke happy then that's all that matters" i said still laughing at mommas face she was making. "Yeah we'll see" she said before turning around and continuing the dishes. I shook my head and walked outside to join Luke and the rest I sat down on the cozy chair in between Luke and Pa as Cayley glared at me while Luke tended to the fire. "So Luke Kolbi's birthday party is tomorrow night, you're comin right?" I asked smiling toward him. "I wouldn't miss it for the world" he said turning around and smiling at me. I smiled as Cayley crossed her arms "Luke I thought we were going to the café" she called out in the most whiney voice I've ever heard...

~that wraps up chapter 2~ vote & leave a comment for more!~❤️

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