Chapter 25

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After work I went home got cleaned up and started a late supper for me and Kaelyn. I lit a few candles and set them around the table, I made her favorite tbone stake, baked tater, pasti and baked bread. A simple meal that she would absolutely love. I dressed in my nicest dressed down clothes, a nice pair of jeans my boots and a regular tshirt.

It was about 11:45 when she came home I saw her lights shine in threw the window. I smiled and felt nervous all over again like a high school boy. This women drives me wild and I still can't believe I ever hurt her.

I shook that thought out of my head and set the table. A few moments later I walked in the Living room at met her at the door.

"It smells amazing in here baby" she smiled setting her things down

"Just a little something special for my special lady" I grinned and wrapped her in a hug

She leaned up and kissed my scruff and I bent down and met her lips.

"I love you" I whispered

"And I love you" she giggled

She went and took a shower while I finished up supper. I made our plates and poured her a glass of wine and got myself a beer.


I took a shower and left my hair down still damp from my shower. I put on a pair of shorts and Lukes favorite a tank top.

I walked back to the kitchen taking in the site as it warmed my heart up. Luke smiling as he opened his beer and sat it down by his plate. He pulled my chair out for to sit and I did.

"Thank you Luke"

"Anything for my baby" he smiled and kissed me softly

We ate in silence and then I enjoyed my wine as he did his beer. He poured me another glass and then we walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

He turned the tv on to the late night news and then to my surprise put it on mute and turned to look at me.

"I've been thinking" He spoke

I nodded giving him the OK

"Nashville, I got a call the other day they want me to come in Friday morning" he said "I've saved up my last few paychecks minus the bills here and I have enough right now to go get a apartment up there.. What do you think?" He asked

My eyes opened wide.. Us? Nashville? Big city? A long ways from family..


Hey y'all short update I know

More comin tonight or tomorrow

Sorry it's been hectic lately moving things and everything

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