20| Someone to Watch Over Me

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She Ivy walked out of her room and down the stairs, she passed Caleb in the hallway

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She Ivy walked out of her room and down the stairs, she passed Caleb in the hallway. Ivy walked into the kitchen. "Fried eggs, burned butter. The kitchen hasn't smelled like this in a long time."

"Well, it's a good smell. I like it." Hanna replied. "Just don't let him make you late to school." Ivy sat down and started eating.

"I won't. He can finish this on his way." Hanna put the toast in a plastic bag. "See you tonight." Ivy waved at Ashley, saying goodbye.

Ivy looked over to see Hanna lifting out a pink present from Caleb's bag. "Should you really be doing that?" Ivy asked.

"Shut up." She unwrapped it to see an owl with pink jewels. She showed it to Ivy and She smiled. "Just don't get upset when it gets given to his side-piece." Ivy joked, picking up a piece of toast while Hanna glared at her.

The girls were now at lunch. "It's so pretty, Hanna. When did he give it to you?" Aria wondered. "He didn't. She just found it." Ivy said.

"Why an owl?" Emily asked. "It's symbol."

"Of what?"

"Of our first night, in the tent. We heard owls."

"Swooping down to carry off their pray." Aria spoke.

"Oh, and Emily." Ivy got her attention. "You owe me 10 bucks." Ivy reached out her hand and made a grab motion. Emily then pulled out a 10 and handed it to her.

"You made a bet on us?" Hanna asked. "No." Ivy lied.

They then saw Sean and Paige talking. "When did that happen?"

Spencer joined the group. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, we didn't think you were coming in today."

"I had to be someplace other than my house." She admitted. "Are the cops still there?" Ivy wondered.

"They came and went."

"They actually took things." Spencer nodded. "Not so much....my Mom said that they did it, just to shake me up."

"What'd they take?"

"Things from my jewellery box, stuff from my closet, a couple of pairs of shoes." She told them.

"Wait, not the Tory Burches." Hanna spoke. "Hanna." Aria scolded.

"No, sneakers. They wanted my laptop, but my Mom said no, it wasn't in the search warrant and they couldn't have it." She turned to them. "Look, you guys should know that there's a chance they might try to pull this on you."

"Search our rooms?"

"My Mom says it's a possibility. I'm so sorry."

"No, it's not your fault." Aria told her. "Yeah, we know who's responsible for this." Ivy continued.

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