12| misery loves company

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"I still can't believe Lucas blew up the tent to threaten Mona," Ivy admitted

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"I still can't believe Lucas blew up the tent to threaten Mona," Ivy admitted. She took a swig of water from the freezing, yellow water bottle she held in her hand.

She sat in the passenger seat of her mom's car, her feet resting against the dashboard, as Hanna drove down the street. The two girls were heading to Aria's house to join the girls. Aria had fallen sick, and the group were planning to check up on the girl, and cheer her up a bit.

A couple of days before, Ivy and Hanna had questioned Lucas about his appearance in Harold's office. When Ivy, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily snuck down into the basement to steal Alison's diary, they ran into a figure in a black hoodie, who the Marin sisters identified as Lucas. They ended up finding out that not only had Lucas been down in the basement, but he had set the tent on fire to scare Mona, as he believed she was dangerous. And upon further investigation, the two found out that Mona had been blackmailing Lucas to be her little pet.

Hanna chuckled. "Yeah. Quite crazy."

"Proud of him though. An impressive move," Ivy stated.

Even though Ivy felt terrible for Lucas, she had managed to make an agreement with him; Lucas was to earn back all the money Jason had given him, and would also return the money he hadn't used back to Jason. As much as Jason demonstrated he didn't mind, Ivy could tell that he felt frustrated with how everything had ended.

A couple of seconds later, the two clambered out the car, grabbing their bags and starting towards the house. Aria had texted them to say that they didn't have to knock, and let themselves in, so the two waltzed right in.

Aria was snuggled up on the couch when they entered. She was pale and struggling with her fever-like symptoms. She looked terrible. Spencer and Emily sat on the two armchairs either side of the couch, chatting away to the girl, keeping her company.

"Hey. How's the patient?" Hanna wondered, announcing their arrival.

"Not great," Emily replied, a frown etched on her face.

Hanna plonked herself down on the couch next to Aria, whilst Ivy perched against the arm of the chair Emily was sat on. Ivy leant down, giving Emily a side hug, which the girl reciprocated.

Flashing Aria a grin, Hanna spoke, "Well...I brought over everything that helps me when I'm sick. Trash..." she lifted some magazines out from her purse, placing them on the couch. "Ginger ale...And three seasons of Saved by the Bell." All of her items were placed right beside Aria's legs.

"Thank you, Hanna." Aria laughed.

"And I brought something so valuable to me." Ivy reached into her bag, pulling out a packet of the green and white apple flavoured jelly rings that she loved so much, and handed them to Aria.

Aria grinned at the gesture, accepting the packet of candy. "Perfect. Thank you guys."

"Are you sure you want to stay here by yourself?" Spencer asked. Neither of the girls supported the idea of Aria staying at her house alone. Aria was sick, and would be home for most of her week, which was the perfect opportunity for 'A' to strike. They didn't want someone so vulnerable to be left alone.

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