22| For Whom the Bell Tolls

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The girls were now sat on Emily's bed still watching the laptop

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The girls were now sat on Emily's bed still watching the laptop. Jenna showed up on the screen. "Is that Jenna?" Hanna wondered.

"Who's she talking to?" The camera panned to see Toby. 'It's not right.'

'There's nothing wrong with us, Toby. We're not really related.' Jenna told him. 'Be so easy for me to convince your daddy and my mommy that you've been forcing yourself on me.' Ivy's lips parted in shock. 'You have no idea who you're dealing with.' Jenna took off his shirt.

"Turn it off." Emily closed the laptop. Ivy stared into space, not saying anything. "Do you realise what these videos are? They're of us...Ali, Jenna. We're young girls in our bedrooms changing clothes. We're naked!" Aria shouted the last part.

"Do you think someone was watching us and getting it off on it?" Hanna questioned.

"Well, we all know who had a thing for younger girls."

"I feel sick." Ivy mumbled. "In some of these, we were just kids."

"Ian's been watching us for years." Aria whispered. "And he killed Alison to make sure nobody found out.

"Guys, we have something she wants." Spencer held it up.

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Ivy was leaning against a locker while Hanna was looking in hers. Ivy saw Jenna walking down the hall. The girls decided to follow her into the music room. "Who's there?" Jenna asked.

"It's Spencer." Jenna turned round to face them. "Who else?"

"Aria, Emily, Ivy....and Hanna." Spencer told her. "Should I call security?"

"We have what you hired Caleb to find."

"You didn't think it was wrong, but Toby did." Emily spoke up. "So, you've seen it?"

"Every frame." Ivy said.

"What do you want from me?"

"The truth. Can you handle that?" Hanna replied.

"Look, when I said Alison came to visit me at the hospital, I was telling you the truth. She didn't come to talk about you, Spencer. That was a lie." She told them.

"And how do we know that you're not lying now?"

"You knew Alison, ok? You knew what she was capable of." Jenna said. "We're listening."

"It was the day before she went missing, and she was on her way home from Georgia. She had just found the video...She couldn't wait to play it for me." Jenna then went on to explain what happened with Alison.

"She was on her way home from Georgia?" Spencer questioned. "Th-that's what she said."

"Ha ha, that's what she said." Ivy mumbled and Aria hit her arm, to tell her to shut up.

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