Chapter Thirty: Sophie

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'Sophie and Keefe, wake up. Now. I may hate what my daughter is doing to her life, but I hate Gisela more. WAKE UP.'

Bright light flooded my vision, blurred people surrounding me. Soon they were grabbing at me, and pain started to flare up my body. 

"Sophie!" I could hear someone scream, and their voice sounded like Linh's. The blurred figures started to become clear, and the Neverseen had started to grab at me. 

"Soph-" Keefe's garbled voice came from behind me, and I grabbed his hands before people started to hurt us more than they already had. He yanked my gloves off, which caused Biana and Linh to shout at me. My soft hands touched his, and it was like electricity flowed through us. Keefe's ice blue eyes started to become darker and darker, until they were brown with golden flecks. Gisela shouted something I couldn't hear, and it didn't even matter, because it had already started. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might explode, and I could feel every single cell in my body. I was in complete control of everything surrounding me, and that was before Keefe whispered a word that I knew could change my life. "Enhance." He whispered, so quietly no one but me could hear. Energy raced down my body, lighting up every part of me. Parts I didn't know existed. For a moment, flashes of pain raced up my body, until every part of my was sore. I looked into Keefe's brown eyes, instead of the ache I had felt before, I felt pure power. 

"Forget." I shouted, thinking of every person who had every wronged me, of anyone who had hurt me or who I loved. All of the things they had done were truly unforgivable, but I wanted them to have a second chance. I chance to start over. Linh and Biana ran over to us, tears streaking down their muddy faces. Gisela looked dazed, and anyone who had a hood was stumbling around aimlessly, both of which looked great to me. Power still coursed through my veins, so I attempted to let go of Keefe. But his strong hands pulled me closer, and suddenly we were kissing. The control I had felt before was replaced by a new kind, a kind that made me feel safe. I think I'm going to marry this boy. 

"Wow.." Keefe trailed off, smile on his lips, "Sophie, that was-" He was cut off by a scream, and it took me a second to realize that it was Biana's. Quan had grabbed a broken sword and thrusted it through her shoulder, causing blood to gush down her sides. Linh yelled in outrage, and water started to appear out of thin air. Keefe leap towards them, muttering to Biana something that made her stop screaming. Linh's water was growing still, before it launched itself at Quan like a tiger killing its prey. Linh's monster circled Quan up into the sky, his cries for help still echoing through my bones. 

"Linh, stop!" I yelled, praying that she could hear me over the rushing of the water. "Biana's going to be okay!" Now, that was a lie. Biana's face was turning pale, and Keefe's whispers didn't seem to be helping. Glimmer had rushed over to them, which told me she didn't have that long. Linh's eyes flickered back to Biana, and the hardness in her face fell away when she saw her papery white skin. Quan feel to the ground, and I didn't bother trying to catch him. 

"Linh." Biana warbled weakly, as Keefe laid her down on the ground. 

"I told you not to leave me. You promised." Linh's began to cry. 

Biana laughed weakly. "Well, I tried." Linh kissed her forehead, as Biana shut her eyes. Her full lips were light pink, skin as light as milk.

"GUYS. We have someone who can bring back people from the dead, and someone who can control people with their words. BIANA ISN'T GOING TO DIE." I wanted to shout at them, but instead I patted Linh on the back. "Keefe... Can you try to heal her?" I asked patiently. I've been trying. Keefe's heartbroken voice echoed in my head, dark thoughts clouding my mind. I grabbed his hand, feeling the electricity flow through us again. When I knew she had passed out, I nodded my head at Glimmer who knew exactly what to do. She slowly pulled the shards out of a broken Biana, not meeting Linh's empty eyes. 

Keefe placed his hands near her shoulder, and spoke, "Biana, heal." That was one of the first things we practiced in the abandoned home in boston. Her wound began to heal, blood returning back into her body. Color returned back into Biana's cheeks, and her dewy lips turned the color of roses. Biana's resilient teal eyes blinked, and she didn't have a moment to regain her surroundings before she was in a hug. 

She pulled Linh closer, and whispered into her ear, "You can't get rid of me." With a sigh of relief, Keefe pulled away from the two, and asked me a question I never thought I would live long enough to hear. 

"What now?"

(a/n HI!!! SO that was technically the end of the book, BUT there is going to be like three different epiloges. At least three, where there are a lot of marriages and kids involved. I really hoped you liked my book! I have more fanfictions on my account, but this is my only KOTLC fanfic. I have one original, and it would be awesome if you could check it out!)

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