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   Third pov.

Eliza began to squirm wich caused Jax to get up the Eliza screamed . Jax began to shake her as she sat up gasping . She looked at him hugging him . Never leave me ever she said with tears in her eyes never he said hugging her .

      Eliza looked into his eyes I love you Jax . I love you to now try to go back to sleep I will be right here with you the whole time he whispered in her ear . She nodded closing her eyes she tensed up when the saw Jax and him bleeding out but Jax told her it was ok .

      The next day Eliza woke up and Jax was gone . She got up to check on the baby then find Jax . When she got to the room the baby wasn't there . She panicked and tried to call Jax but it went straight to voice mail .

      She called Clay and he didn't answer either so finally she called David . Hey he said have you seen Jax she asked . Not since yesterday is everything ok no it isn't him and my baby are gone . Well did you try to call him yes I fucking did I tried to call him and Clay no damn answer she said angrily . Im sorry Eliza said into the phone its just my fucking fault there gone .

        I can call out an amber alert David said . No its fine im going to look for them . Eliza got dressed after hanging up the we phone . Eliza started walking since Jax took the car . She searched everywhere and it was now three . It began to rain her phone was dead she had no car her baby was gone so she cried .

        She sat in an alleyway just crying this is not how I wanted it to go . She looked up and there stood a man are you ok he asked . She wiped her tears yeah she said putting on a fake smile .

       Good then he hit her upside the head knocking her unconscious . Jax had taken the baby out to go get food when he got back Eliza was gone . So Jax called David . Where the hell have you been David said . I was getting food he said .

       Well Eliza went looking for you and I have no idea where she is Hale said . Why didn't you answer he asked because my phone was dead so I bought a charger charged in the car why me and Andrea ate then I called blondeie to tell her everything she was angery but understood thats what I did .

       Jax pinched the bridge of his nose i will go looking for her . Clay called him Jax told him everything and David had the baby as they searched for Eliza . It was three and Jax sighed in annoyance call her again he said .

     They did hey you've reached the voice mail of Eliza she giggled hang on Jax im setting this up she said leave a message after the beep she giggled when there was a beep . Jax remembered that day very fondly . He had just gotten home and the baby was asleep all he wanted was his wife . She said she had to set her phone up . So he whispered dirty thoughts in her ears .

       He smiled at the thought Eliza he yelled . Hey are you looking for that brown headed girl someone stopped to say .

     Yes Jax said she was asking around for you I seen her go into an alleyway but that was the last of it . Thank you Jax said going into the alleyway the lady told him about . Eliza wasn't there Jax kicked the trash can knocking it over . Jax maybe she went back looking for you Juice said .

     Jax nodded the boys went to the hotel and Jax went to David and his  babie .

       Eliza woke up naked on the ground it was to dark to see anything but she knew she was in a building . Eliza knew she had gotten rapped by the way she felt and she was naked . She closed her eyes Jax will be here soon she repeated to herself over and over .

      When she tried to move she realized there were cuts everywhere . Eliza winced out in pain getting up . But something was holding her back . She looked over to see chains on her .

       Shit she mumbled falling to the ground . Let me out of here she yelled and two men appeared . Shut up bitch or we will finish what we started . What do you want with me Eliza asked . We want Jax to suffer we want to make it look like you died . Why not kill me Eliza said looking up at the two men .

     We are giving you to someone who would rather have it all . Who is that Eliza asked again . Jax had just called the cops and told them everything they would be looking for her .

      Jax was angry and sad that Eliza was gone . He knew he had to be strong for his daughter though so he was .

               Three months later

    Uncle Opie Andrea said as she raised her hands for him to pick her up . Come here Opie said picking her up . Ma Jax hollered I need the hillum pump .

      Jemma walked out Jax I told you to get purple and pink balloons . What there blue whats wrong with that he asked . Clay came out she is not even going to remember it . You only turn one once jemma complained .

      Yeah Ellie said fine Jax called juice hey before you come bring pink balloons because apparently blue isn't right Jax said into the phone . Ok juice said and the call ended .

      Jax decided to move back to Charming after two weeks . It pained him to not have Eliza he cried every night .

      He knew she was most likely dead but he didn't want to date anyone because he had hope she was still out there .

      The party had started everyone started singing happy birthday . Andrea didn't know what to think .

     Hey guys hope you injoyed many of you probably hate this one but its here anyways love you xoxo kenzie 😘❤



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