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Third pov.

Momma Andrea yelled as Eliza got out of the car . Eliza couldn't stand for that long but was getting better at it . Hi baby Eliza said as Andrea hugged her .

Eliza got in and sat down momma can we please go to the park later . Andrea honey your mom just got home calm down Jax said .

Ok Andrea said when Ellie came out hugging Eliza . Hi sweet girl hi im twelve now Ellie said is that so it is so Ellie said smiling . Then the boys and jemma came out . SUPRISE they yelled damn it you guys almost gave me a heart attack Eliza said .

Well we couldn't let you get us this time David said . Jax chuckled Eliza was so happy to be home but it didn't last . Eliza stood up and got dizzy before she fell Jax caught her causing Eliza to flinch .

Everyone looked as Eliza sat back down . I'm ok Eliza said putting on a fake smile she lied and everyone could tell .


Why are you doing this to me Eliza asked shaking . Well sweetheart we are doing because of our little friend . The man said unzipping his pants .

End of flashback

Eliza im sorry Jax said im ok Eliza said breathing heavily . I am I just need to lie down . Jemma helped her to the bed . Eliza watched the ceiling fan spin over and over . The nightmares of Jax had stopped when she was threatened but the new nightmares would forever hold her .

Eliza couldn't help but think when I'm better im going to take lessons on how to fight how to shoot how to defend myself Eliza thought .

Two weeks later

Boom the gun shot and hit where Elizas target was . Jax stood from behind watching her . Eliza smiled did you see that Eliza said as Jax chuckled .

She ran to him kissing him it took another three days before Eliza touched a boy and abot a week before she kissed Jax . Eliza had owned up to her thoughts she was learning how to fight and shoot .

Momma Andrea said hugging Eliza hi baby girl . You got that didn't you Ellie said . Yeah she did Opie cut in Eliza smiled . Kenny came up to Eliza can I try he asked . Hell no Opie said Eliza bent down and whispered in Kenny's ear when dads not around Eliza said .

Kenny giggled and then Ellie ran up to him tag she yelled . Kenny tagged Andrea and they all ran around playing .

So I was thinking April fourth we could get married Eliza said . Of course Jax said April was less than a month but Eliza wanted the smallest wedding .

I'm going to crush you on the vows Eliza spoke . Why do you say that Jax asked . I was a writer before I ever did any police work I inspired and wrote books for people at school .

It wasn't much but it was a passion Eliza said smiling . Well its on Jax said looking at her . I'm hungry Andrea complained . Well I guess if your really want to yeah Andrea yelled pulling Eliza and Jaxs hand .

They drove in to the drive through ordinary there food . They sat in the car eating Eliza looked at Jax smiling . What he asked looking at her your sexy you know Eliza said . Jax looked at her I know I am then that kissed .

Eww Andrea said Eliza and Jax giggled . You ain't going to kiss your boyfriend Eliza asked . Hell no jax said no im not Andrea said . Oh come on your five now but soon they will be at your beck n call Eliza said . Why Andrea asked look at you father I mean you will be just as of not more sexy then he is .

Jax smiled listening well when a boy wants to kiss me I will have to tell my other boyfriends . Boyfriends jax asked yeah Jacob James Xander and Kaiden .

Yeah thats right already got them Eliza said high fiveing her daughter . How Jax asked from school dad Andrea said . Yeah dad Eliza said making her fake mad face .

Oh really both of you Jax said yup like mother like daughter . Andrea giggled neverland taught you alot didn't . Eliza looked at her daughter as Jax froze . Yes baby neverland taught me alot Eliza said putting on a fake smile .

I love you mommy Andrea said hugging Elizas neck . I love you daddy Andrea said hugging Jaxs neck .

The trip was full of laughter and singing . When they arrived Andrea was out so jax laied her down . Eliza sat in the stair smoking a cigarette . Since when do you smoke jax said pulling out a cigarette of his own .

Since I gave birth missed out on five years with my daughter and love off my life because I was being rapped and beaten Eliza said starring off into space while smoking . Ok well that got dark quick Jax said .

I love you Mr.Teller I love you Mrs. Smith . You know when you told me I should stop trying to get you out and then agreed it was ok I remember fighting with my attorney trying to get you out but when they said no I remember thinking I was a failure that I failed you .

So I packed my things and moved it wasn't easy I was always thinking about you not having your child and me not having you but as I saw you walk into the room it was like everything was forgotten even if it was because you were upset . I just wanted you Eliza said as Jax kissed her . They both went inside locking the door and going to the bedroom .

Well when I first saw you in that bedroom after being gone for months all that ran through my head was she is here and ok . I sat in prison cells thinking you ran away fucking Hale and making him the father of our child but for some reason I wanted to kiss you and show you how much I loved you . Jax said as Eliza smiled kissing him and pulling away .

How about I take you up on that deal Eliza said . Jax kissed her and that spent the night together finally .

Hey guys next chapter there is a weeding and suprise I hope you injoyed not much to say but stay strong and beautiful love you xoxo kenzie 😘❤

Daddy's little Girl / A Jackson Teller Love Story Where stories live. Discover now