Base Tour

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I walked down the hall from Harry's office, Y/N in tow.  I decided to start with the mess hall, as I figured he could be a bit hungry after the flight over here.  "This is the mess hall"  I spoke, cheerfully, entering the mess hall.  As it was 1500, there weren't many operators in here at the time being, and meals weren't being served.  There was still the snack bar and vending machine, though.

"This is a lot more spacious than the military mess hall"  Y/N noted, taking in the sheer size of the place.  I chuckled.

"Wait 'till you see the indoor training room"  I winked, making my way over to the snack bar, which had everything from those small cereal cups to a plate of oatmeal cookies and small cans of soda.  "I take it you could be a bit hungry, I know I am, so I figured we can start here"  I explained, grabbing a maple and brown sugar oatmeal cup.  Y/N shrugged, grabbing an oatmeal cookie and a small can of ginger ale.

"Not too hungry, but I can't say no to a cookie"  he admitted, nibbling at the cookie.  I laughed to myself, and poured some hot water over my oatmeal, grabbed a plastic spoon, and we walked over to a table and sat down across from each other.

"So, Y/N, how long have you been in service?"  I ask him, sparking some conversation.

"About 10 total years,"  he replied.  "8 in the Army, and nearing two in the States' Spartan Corps"

"Spartan Corps?"  I asked, raising an eyebrow, and loading my spoon with the moist, flavorful oats.

"Yeah, basically an aggressive anti terrorist unit"  he summed up, popping open the can of Ginger Ale and taking a small swig.  "We also deal with preventing Civil Wars"  I nodded, taking a bite of my oatmeal.

"Well, then you'll fit right in here.  That's what we're all about"  I smiled at him.  I saw him return the smile, and felt some butterflies in my stomach.  Quickly, I averted my gaze, and resumed snacking on my oatmeal.  I thought about how I felt just then, and how weird of a feeling it was.  Deciding I'll think about it later, I decided to spark up conversation again.  "So, have you watched any good shows recently?"  I ask him.

"Falcon and Winter Soldier"  he answered quickly, finishing his cookie.  I smiled.

"I loved that show!"  I admitted.  "Took me some time to finish it, due to responsibilities here, but it was great"

"Thoughts on Falcon's new suit?"  he asked.  I smiled brightly.

"It's honestly perfect"  I admitted.  Our talk of the show lasted about 20 minutes until we were finished snacking.  Once done, we got up, and resumed the tour.  We walked down the halls and came to a stop in front of a pair of black doors, finished with medieval-style handles and locks.  "This is the auditorium.  This is where your welcoming ceremony will be held, as well as any other ceremonies or big announcements"  I informed him, opening the doors, and leading him in.  Once again, he stood in awe at the sheer size of the room.  We walked in, and I explained to him the details about the place.

"200 people?  This place?"  He asked, raising an eyebrow.  I laughed a bit at his question.

"Hard to believe?"  I asked.  He nodded, and parked himself right in front of the lectern, leaning on it some.  I chuckled, and took a seat in the closest chair in the audience.  "Speech!"  I called out to him.  I saw him smile, and stand up straight at the lectern, and clear his throat.

"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation-"  Y/N was interrupted by a new, female voice that finished the line of the speech.

"-conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal".  I turned to see Harry standing there, smiling, with Eliza next to him, who was holding back a smile.  Harry began slow clapping at the performance.

"Ah, I am a stickler for history"  he chuckled, taking a seat.  "Y/N, has Monika been a good tour guide so far?"  he asked Y/N, who got off the lectern.

"She's been great so far,"  Y/N admitted.  Once again, I got the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.  What is going on with me!?  I shook off the feeling again, and watched Y/N look to Eliza and hold out his hand.  "We haven't met yet.  Name's Y/N L/N.  Blade on the field."  Eliza accepted his handshake and introduced herself.

"Eliza Cohen, Ash on the field.  Welcome to Rainbow, Y/N"

"Pleasure to be here"  he smiled.  I hopped up from my seat, and made my way over to them.

"Y/N!  Ready to continue the tour?"  I asked him.  He nodded, waved goodbye to Harry and Eliza and followed me out.  The next hour was taken up by me showing him around base.  We stopped at the weightroom after the auditorium, where we had yet another quick deviation, this time to see who could bench and squat more.  He was able to bench about 25 pounds more than me, while I could squat around 40 pounds more than him.  After our competition, I showed him the indoor track and training room, where he, once again, awed at the size, as well as the small bar and the lounge, where Y/N was introduced to Jordan "Thermite" Trace and Mark "Mute" Chandler, and we had both joined them for a few rounds of Mariokart.  I showed him the outdoor stuff as well, from the firing range, to the outdoor scenario course.  Finally, we came to the dorm hall.

"Thank you for the tour...Monika, was it?"  Y/N asked me.  Surprised that he remembered my name, I nodded.

"Yep.  And of course!  I'm always engaging with the new recruits"  I smiled warmly.  "Now, what room are you in, so I can show you where it is and tell you who you'll be rooming with"  I explained, as he fished the key out of his pocket.

"Room...66"  he told me, looking down the hall.  I had to do an audible double take, and ask him again what the number was.  "Um, 66.  You good Monika?"  he asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm fine.  It's just that, Room 66 is my current room"  I told him, beginning to walk down the direction to the room.

"So...what, that mean we're roommates?"  he asked me.  I smiled to myself upon hearing the excitement in his voice, as I turned and nodded.

"Yep"  I chuckled.  "Like it or not, you're stuck with me, L/N"

"Oh no, stuck with you?  Oh this is horrible!"  he smirked in a mocking tone.  I laughed out loud at his joking around as I came to my door, unlocked it, and pushed it open, revealing my room to Y/N's eyes.  ","  he noted right away at my bright green walls, and POLEZI bedsheets.  Other than the green, my room was pretty basic:  sofa, 45 inch flatscreen, personal bathroom, mini-fridge, and a few Dua Lipa posters hung about.  Am I a fan?  Hell Yeah!  Do I care what others think of it?  Hell no!

"Yeah, it's my favorite color,"  I admitted, setting my phone on its charging pad on my desk.

"No way"  Y/N spoke.  "That's my favorite color!"

"Well"  I smirked, turning around.  "I guess we have more in common than you think".  I looked deep into his (eye color) eyes, immediately getting lost into them.  It was only when he spoke that I was snapped out of my trance.

"I guess so"  he replied.  I then walked back over to the door and opened it again, nodding for him to follow.

"Let's go get your stuff from Harry's office and get you settled in"  I ordered.  Y/N nodded, and we walked back down to Harry's office.

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