Arguments/Island Dogs

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-3rd person POV-

Silence filled the room as the FBI and Nighthaven ops glared each other down.  Kali's sphinx-like expression bounced off of Ash's sunglasses, hiding her own Gorgon glare she gave.  The tenseness was felt by everyone involved, radiating off the girls, and onto the other two ops in the room.

"Anyway..."  Thermite began, attempting to break up the awkwardness.

"Should we get prepared?"  Wamai asked.  "We're off in-"

"6 hours"  Ash spoke, sounding frustrated.  "That's when our targets are predicted to land in Barcelona.  We fly in, and catch em" 

"Okkaayyyy, BUT, its a few hours flight to get there-"

"We know"  Kali spoke up, sharing the level of tenseness with Ash.  The boys felt this shared tenseness, its presence casting an eerie aura around them like a blanket woven in barbed wire.  Long story short, it was an uncomfy situation.

"Guys look; we have a mission to complete, and one of high importance at that.  Can we please just work together, drop the tenseness?"  Thermite asked, trying not to sound pleading, hoping that it didn't.  Ash and Kali looked over at them, then back at each other, maintaining the slightly irritated look on their faces.

"If she does so"  Kali spoke, keeping her eyes locked with Ash's, who smirked.

"No, if you do, then it can be discussed"  she spoke, simply.

"Why do you hate me?"  Kali asked, keeping her hard-toned voice active.  Ash clicked her tongue in response.

"I dont hate you, I dislike Nighthaven, and the fact that you're a part of Rainbow.  Rainbow is a CTU, not a PMC.  Meant to protect, not cause harm-"

"We DONT cause harm"  Kali shot back, glaring daggers at Ash.

"How do you get information?"  the redhead asked.

"Interrogation"  Kali shrugged.

"Mistreatment"  Ash corrected.  "Torture"

"Hey"  Kali shot.  "That's the difference between us and you.  Nighthaven has info that Rainbow doesn't wanna get.  You're soft, Cohen.  Your goodie-goodie attitude is what's gonna be your downfall.  If you continue to allow this fight to be fought on Whitemask terms, you are going to lose!"  Kali had started to sweat a bit as she gave her small rant.  Ash, meanwhile, kept her composure the whole time, keeping her cool.

"If we fight on our own terms, do what they do to win, what better are we?"  she asked, getting up, looking to the other three in the room.  "We're wheels up in under 6 hours.  Get ready".  As Ash took her leave, Kali blew a raspberry and looked up, seeing both Thermite and Wamai looking at her, with blank expressions.

"What?"  she asked, looking between them.  They just shrugged and went off to get their stuff ready for the mission ahead.


"That's uh...pretty..."

"Suggestive"  IQ finished, looking at one of the two island dogs that they had gotten from the bar.  They took the dogs to go, finding an open pavilion area to enjoy them, shaded from the sun.  The hotdog in question was the coconut relish one.  The relish itself was a milky, translucent white color, representing what they saw to be-

"Cum"  Y/N chuckled, earning a playful slap on the arm from IQ.  "What?  I'm not wrong"

"Technically no, it looks just like the hotdog had a good fuck"  she giggled.  Y/N chuckled, picking it up.

"Well, might as well try it"  he spoke, taking a small bite.  He chewed it a bit, holding a straight face.

"How is it?"  she asked.

"Well"  he started, swallowing.  "Its definitely a new taste.  Very coconut-y"

"Lemme try"  IQ took the hotdog and took a bite, chewing.  Her face automatically went to a face of shock, and a slight displeasure, as she swallowed quickly.  "Way too sweet"  They both looked at each other with blank expressions before bursting out in laughter, wiping tears as they did.  A few onlookers barely gave a glance, as they just seemed to be excited and happy.

"O-okay"  Y/N laughed.  "We need to get our heads out of the gutter"

"Agreed"  she took a bite of the spicy pineapple hotdog, which she enjoyed much better.  "Kinda hard though, when the hotdog looks like...well, that"

"Fair point"  The two made conversation as they finished their hotdogs, walking hand-in-hand back to their hotel.  In the elevator, IQ snuck in a quick peck on Y/N's cheek, smiling innocently as he looked at her, eyebrow raised.

"What?"  she asked, shrugging as the doors opened to their floor.  They stepped out, and walked the hall, down to their suite, hopping in, and settling down from their adventure with riding the waves earlier.  "It's only 2:30?"  IQ spoke.  Y/N looked at his phone, nodding.

"Yep.  Definitely feels much later".  IQ nodded in agreement, flopping onto the large couch.  She rolled onto her back, staring blankly at the ceiling, feeling something flare up inside of her.  She didn't know what caused it, maybe seeing Y/N while surfing, or maybe the phallic hot dogs, but she knew what she wanted.  She could feel herself getting wet, her legs starting to tremble as she stood up from the couch.  She was aching for it.  She looked over to Y/N with a somewhat pleading face.

"What?"  he asked.

"I need you"  she spoke, as seductive as she could muster.

"Well, I'm right here baby...oh...oh shit, you mean-"  IQ nodded, biting her lip.  Y/N smiled a bit, scooping her up.  "Need me to deal with that?"


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