Things Can Always Go Sideways

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Jamini roughly set Salvador down on the chair, and assumed a spot on the boat's wall, arms folded.  The African, whom we were instructed to call by his codename, Wamai, came out with bottles of Angry Orchard, and passed them around to the four of us.

"Who's the extra bottle for?"  Y/N asked, as a new person entered the room.  He was a shaggy-looking guy, non-military if I had to guess.  He accepted the extra bottle from Wamai, popped the cap on a piece of loose metal, and took a swig.  I saw Y/N give him an odd eye, and I admit, I did too.

"This is Xavier"  Wamai introduced.  "Consider him an intern of sorts"

"Intern?"  Y/N asked, eyeing Jaimini.  "Your private military does internships?"

"Hey, my recruitment process may be unorthodox, but I generally look for good, experienced soldiers over numbers"  she responded, sipping her hard cider.

"Numbers can quickly outrank a small squad...I should know"  Y/N looked down as he said this, and I gave him a hug.  He was definitely remembering the incident in Brazil again, which made me sad to think about.

"Hey"  Jaimini spoke, placing a hand on his shoulder.  "In MY book, experience outranks everything"  she told him, giving him a small smile.  Y/N looked up at her and gave a shrug, before focusing his attention back to Salvador.

"One thing I want to know..."  he spoke, before drawing a karambit blade and slashing Salvador's cheek.  I heard the painful cry from the German doctor, and saw the light sprinkles of blood splatter on the window of Jamini's boat.  I then noticed other blood stains all around the room, even on the chair Salvador sat in.  She must know how to get information.  Taina would be impressed.

"Like your style"  Jamini chuckled as Y/N grabbed Salvador by his shirt collar.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW WE'D BE THERE!?"  he shouted right in his face.

"W-what?"  Salvador squeaked out.  Y/N got heated and dropped Salvador hard into the chair, actually breaking it.  I looked between Jamini and Wamai, but they didn't seem to care about the broken chair.

"What country you from?!"  Y/N yelled.

"W-what?"  the doctor staggered.

"WHAT!?  What ain't no country I ever heard of!  They speak English in What?!"  Y/N demanded.  I was pretty confused as to where this was going, and I could tell Jamini and Wamai were as well.  Xavier, however, seemed off.  He seemed...nervous. 



"Y-yes!"  Salvador cried out.

"Then you know what I said!?"  Salvador nodded.  "How did you know we would be there!?"

"W-what?"  Salvador mumbled, scared.  Y/N got heated and drew his sidearm, roughly placing the end of the barrel on his forehead.

"Say what again!  I dare you, I DOUBLE dare you, motherfucker!  Say what one more goddamn time!"  he yelled.  I'll admit, it was a bit scary seeing him this way, but I hid my fear.

"Y/N stop!"  Xavier spoke, sternly.  Y/N gave him a confused side-eye.

"What?"  he asked.

"Yeah, I agree with Y/N"  Jamini stepped in, folding her arms.

"He's out of line!"  Xavier commented.  Jamini scoffed.

"Since when does Nighthaven have a line?"  she asked, raising an eyebrow.  Meanwhile, Y/N went back to interrogating Salvador, looking the doctor dead in the eye.

"Who.  Told.  You?"  he asked sternly.  I watched as Salvador slowly looked over at Xavier, full of fear.  Y/N followed his gaze and locked eyes with Xavier.  Faster than I could comprehend, Xavier had a gun aimed at Y/N, only to be sacked by Jamini, and the two went into a fistfight.  Y/N soon joined in, tackling Xavier into the engine room, Jamini following.  I locked eyes with Wamai and Salvador, and we shared a look of confusion.  I look back to the engine room as Jamini falls out, her face bleeding heavily.  She doesn't seem to notice, as she wiped her nose on her arm and leaped back into the fight.  Soon after, the three came back in, still fighting, and I was going to leap in, but Wamai held me back.

"Too many people would be fighting in such a small area"  he told me, watching the fight ensue.   We hear a gunshot go off, and snap our heads back to the fight as Jamini went down, clutching her shoulder.  Y/N tried to charge Xavier, knocking his gun away, but took a wicked punch to the sniffer.  I recoiled at it, and instinctively ran over to Y/N,  making sure he was alright.  I mean, damn, what a punch.

"I...I'm fine" he muttered, feeling his head. 

"Stop him!"  Wamai shouted at me from tending to Jamini.  I whip around and see Xavier hauling Salvador out onto deck.  I growled and took off after him, jumping up, and grabbing the ledge above the doorway.  Swinging out onto the deck, I kicked down Salvador, which took Xavier down in a domino effect.  Almost immediately, a fist-fight ensued, which was definitely a challenge, with the narrow walkways, steel steps, and multitude of new military and old fishing equipment.  Not to mention some of the guardrails were removed.  I dodged a few of Xavier's punches, but took a mean one to the gut.  I doubled over, and felt his knee drive into my chest, sending me backwards, tumbling down the stairs, and onto the lower fishing deck.  I weakly got to my feet, ready for him to come after me, but I was surprised to see him hurl Salvador overboard.  I guess I must've looked like I saw a ghost, cause Xavier saw me and chuckled.

"Thanks for the getaway vehicle!"  he soluted me, grabbing what looked to be a homing launcher and jumping off after the doctor.  I went as fast as I could go to take a look, and saw the two start to drive off in the very boat that me, Y/N and Salvador had arrived on.  I cursed in German, and started to turn around when Xabier shouted out.  I didn't hear what he had said, but when I turned around, I saw he had the launcher shouldered and trained on the boat.  My eyes widened as the rocket was fired, knowing for sure we were dead.  However, the water was choppy, so Xavier didn't have a clean shot, due to his getaway vehicle rocking in the waves.  The rocket fishtailed into the water dangerously near the boat, and I felt it rock massively.  I grabbed firmly onto the small bit of guardrail that still stood, trying in vain to keep myself up.  My soreness from Xavier's punches didn't help with that.  I saw the two drive the boat off into the horizon, and cursed again.  I began to get myself situated when I hear Jamini yelling from below deck:


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