Waking Up

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I woke up in an odd position as sunlight poured through the window.  Rubbing my eyes, I realised I was laying on top of Y/N on our couch.  It wasn't the most comfortable thing, but it'll do.  I nuzzled back into him, wanting to fall back asleep, but I wasn't able to.  How he can sleep so soundly amazes me.  Eventually, I gave up, when I heard someone groaning a bit.  I look over and see Eliza cracking open her eyes, rubbing them slightly.  "Morning Liza"  I mumbled.

"Morning"  came the mumbled reply.  "W-what time is it?"  I checked the clock above the door.

"8:08.  Still kinda early"  I informed her.

"Late for me"  she spoke flatly, picking herself up, sitting up fully on the couch.  I didn't follow suit, preferring the warm feeling from snuggling Y/N.  She stretched out, and rubbed her eyes some.  "Would it be too much to ask for water?"

"Not at all"  I answered, letting myself get up off the couch and off of Y/N.  Walking over to the mini fridge, I pulled out two water bottles, yawned once, and tossed a bottle to Eliza, who caught it mid-air.  Thumbing the cap a few times, she opened it up and took a long swig.  "So, thoughts on the movie?"

"I really enjoyed it."  she responded, capping her water, and standing up.  "I'm now killing myself for not seeing it sooner"  she retorted.  I chuckled, and leaned against the wall.  "Monika?" 


"Thank you.  For last night.  I haven't had a night where I can just completely unwind in...well, quite some time"

"It's no problem at all.  Even the hardest workers need to pick up a TV remote or a cold one every now and then."  It was true:  Even though I was just as hard of a worker as Eliza, I still find time to just unwind, even if it's just a jump in the training pool.

"True"  Eliza nodded, looking around the room.  "I'm surprised we fit everyone in here"

"Ditto"  I chuckled.  "Well, I say we wake everyone up, and go out for breakfast".  Eliza nodded, heading to the door.

"Imma go for a quick run, then shower back in me and Jordan's room, then come back here"  she said, explaining her plan.

"Sounds good.  See ya soon!"  Eliza waved before taking her leave.  I figured we had a good hour before she returned, so I got back on the couch and snuggled into Y/N, closing my eyes. 

I was awoken by the sound of running water, and sat up, rubbing my eyes.  Checking the clock, I saw I was only out for about 15 minutes, and directed my attention to the bathroom, where I could just make out someone washing their face.  I waited until they were done, and watched as Taina stepped out.  Noticing I was awake, she jumped a bit.

"Sorry, I didn't wake ya right?"  she asked.  I shook my head.

"I was up earlier chatting with Eliza"  I explained.

"Let me guess.  She's on a run?"  Taina asked, flopping down on the couch.

"Yup"  she smirked.  "Ayway, we're planning on going out for breakfast.  Come with?"  Taina cocked her head.

"Who's 'we'?"  she asked.

"Everyone here"  I said, gesturing to the boys and Meghan, who were still asleep.  "Plus Eliza"

"I guess I'd be down"  she nodded, laying back on the couch.  "Been a while since I had a decent pancake".  I smirked.

"The ones here no good?"

"They taste like cardboard"  she said, flatly.

"Valid"  I nodded.

"Why we eating cardboard?"  a raspy voice asked.  I looked around until I saw that Dom was awake, looking at us with a raised eyebrow.

"We're talking about the pancakes here,"  Taina informed him.  He nodded and smirked.

"They do literally taste like cardboard,"  he agreed, stroking Meghan's hair.  This got me curious.

"Dom?"  I asked, flipping onto my stomach, still leaning against Y/N.  He hummed in response.  "So are you and Meghan, like, a thing?"

"Um..."  he trailed off, seeming shy, or scared.  I raised an eyebrow in his direction, and followed his gaze, my eles landing on Taina, who was shooting him a murderous look.  I sighed, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Taina, calm down, please"  I asked.  She just growled.

"Meghan is my best friend"  she spoke sternly to Dom.  "Do anything to hurt her, and I will hurt you more than you can handle.  Clear?"  Dom gulped before responding.

"C-crystal"  he stuttered, saluting.  By then, everyone else had woken up.  I felt Y/N wrap his arms around me, and I melted into him, loving his embrace.  Meghan did the same with Dom, while Jordan just sat there awkwardly.

"Let me guess.  Liza's on a run"  he smirked.  I nodded.  "Did she say what her plan was?"

"Run, shower, then come back here for breakfast.  We were wanting to go out to eat for a change"  I explained to him.

"I'm down for that"  Y/N nodded.  "I'd be down for some GOOD pancakes"

"I know right?"  Meghan smirked.

"Literally they taste like cardboard"  he smirked, holding me closer.

"Okay, so everyone agrees then?"  Taina asked.  "The pancakes here are just cut out from cardboard boxes?"  A wave of laughter filled the room as I smiled and lay back against Y/N, loving every moment of this.  A day off, and it was already starting off very nicely.

"Wouldn't be surprised if they were"  Jordan muttered, smirking.  We then decided as a group to watch some TV until Eliza got back.  Seeing how it was a relaxing, early morning, and because we all wanted some childhood nostalgia, we settled for watching Spongebob.  I don't get why, but now that I'm older, Squidward is a lot more relatable.  As I was watching, I felt a kiss being planted on my cheek, and smiled.

"I love you a lot Monika"  Y/N whispered.  I kissed him back and smiled.

"I love you too, Y/N"  I respond, running my hand down his chest, and stopping at his waist line.  I realized what I was thinking, and panicked slightly, quickly drawing my hand away.  "I'm sorry" I muttered.

"Don't be"  he responded with a warm smile.  I smiled back, kissed him again, and laid back into him, resuming watching the episode.

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