Soft Interrogation

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I watched as Taina sat on the chair outside the interrogation room, fiddling with her knife.  Salvador was inside, but since Six didn't deem him a threat, he wasn't restrained, and was not to be physically harmed to get information.  That part seemed to tick Taina pretty good.  She wasn't used to getting information in a...let's say "boring" way.  Her words, not mine.

"Why do I bother?"  she muttered, enough for me to hear.  I looked over to her, seeing that her blade was on the table next to her, and she was sitting a bit hunched over.  She had her hands folded on her lap, looking deep in thought.

"Taina, for all intents and purposes, this isn't an interrogation"  I reminded her, Harry's words ringing in my ears.  Taina grumbled a bit, then sighed, nodding.

"I know I know, just...he was with the Masks.  Doesn't seem right he gets a free pass"

"I think anyone with a good heart deserves a second chance"  I say, leaning against the wall.  "His heart was in the right place, he wanted to create something to help end world conflict, to try and bring peace-"

"A bio weapon?"  Taina spoke dryly.  "That's your idea of peace?"

"He did what he was tasked.  For all we know, he could've been forced to"  I looked back into the room where Salvador nervously fiddled with his fingers, obviously not wanting to be here.  Taina would only make things worse, no offense to her.  "Just let me talk to him"

"You going in with a gun?"  Taina asked.

"No"  I responded flatly.









"Brass Knuckles?"



"Taina!  I'm not going in with ANY weapon.  We scare him, it's not gonna work out well for us.  This isn't a normal interrogation".  Taina huffed again and shrugged, leaning back in her chair.

"Don't come to me if you don't get anything outta him"

"Won't have to" I shot back, entering the room with the doctor.  I could visually see him shaking, and sweating just a little bit.  I knew not sending Taina in this time was a good idea.

"I swear I told what I know"  the doctor spoke, shaking.  I can tell from his slurred speech that he was near terror.

"I believe you"  I replied sweetly.  "I just need general info on the masks.  Like, locations that you know, any plans of attacks or raids, or anything like that?"  The doctor looked up at me, his eyes sunken as he fiddled his thumbs in his folded hands.

"I...they said they wanted to..."  he trailed off, looking like he was trying to recall.

"Take your time, doctor.  Let the information come back to you."  I smiled.  He nodded and thought for a while before looking back up at me.

"Th-they have an island, a private island, off the coast of Australia.  I-it's been in territorial dispute between Aussies and Japan for years"

"They bought an island that is disputed between the Australians and the Japanese?"  I asked, raising an eyebrow.  Their own island?  They could do some...well they could do a lot on their own hideaway. 

"N-no.  They d-didn't buy it.  T-they leased it from the J-Japanese.  Spared no expense.  I don't k-know why, I think its d-dumb"  Salvador stuttered.  I huffed and folded my arms.

"It's flat-out idiotic"  I spoke flatly.  Then my mind clicked and my eyes widened.  "Which makes it ideal for the masks!  They wouldn't think someone would look for them all the way out there"

"C-can I go?  I n-need to see my family"  I smiled at the doctor and shrugged.

"Depends on your willingness to answer a few more questions.  No harm no foul"

"A-anything"  Salvador agreed.  I smiled and leaned in.

"What are they making out there?"

A/N:  hey everyone!! Thank you for sticking around even when there's no posting schedule for chapters!  Working to deliver a good story to you all!! Thank you!!!

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