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-Y/N's POV-

The worst part about the drop is the G's.  The whole time down I felt sick, like i was on a never-ending rollercoaster.  Great.  With that thought in my brain I probably will never ride one again.

"Anyone alive in there?"  Eliza's voice crackled through the comms, cutting me from my thoughts.

"Sadly"  I smirked, earning a snort from Eliza, and a death glare from Monika.

"Can you be anymore dull"  Monika asked, in a relatively sassy tone.

"Only if you want me to be"  I shrugged.

"Focus please?"  Eliza interjected over the comms.  "We have you both tracked from the plane so we can give you directions.  Right now, get into that submarine bay, there's few guards there".

"Roger"  Monika spoke, driving our cramped pod into the old sub bay.  As we entered, I looked around at the old walls and structure of the place.  There was clear evidence of water damage, and the walls looked very crumbled.  Creepy, but kinda cool.  As we breached the surface, I did a quick check of my gear and weapons, making sure I had all I needed and everything was set.  Confirming that I was ready, as well as Monika, we hopped out, clearing the bay of a few hostels who just came out of the stairwell.

"Sub bay clear"  I spoke through the comms.  "Could use guidance"

"First landing from the main stairs"  Eliza's voice cracked through the comms.  "I'm picking up a decent-sized radiation cloud."

"Roger"  Monika acknowledged, taking point while I held rear.  As we went up, I thought about the little argument we had about this mission.  I hope that it wouldn't drive a wedge between us or anything like that.  It made me feel nervous around her now.  Like I could ruin something just by talking.  I shook the thought from my mind as we approached a doorway, light coming from the inside.  Nodding to each other, Monika and I went in, swiftly eliminating all masks within the room.  Well, the ones with guns.  There were quite a few lab workers within the small space, from what they looked like.

"Why should you all live?"  I ask, giving them a death glare.  One of them spoke up, gulping as he did.

"W-we were forced.  Some p-paid a lot of m-money, others k-kidnapped"  he said, clearly scared.  Monika pulled one aside, and started asking some questions.  I couldn't hear from where I was, but after a bit, she nodded.

"They're truthful"  she confirmed, switching her comm link to inform Harry of the situation.  As she did so, I made sure to round up the scientists, and just to make sure, I had them empty their pockets for any weapons.  Can't be too sure these days.  "Harry is sending another bird to pick them up.  Ash is coming in to pick them up"

"And Xavier?"  I ask.  Monika turned and chatted with one of the scientists.  Smiling, she looked back at me.

"He has his personal level just above"

"We go in hard-"

"Absolutely not"  Monika shook her head.  "We go in slow, see what we can"  Not wanting to argue or start anything, I nodded.  Once Eliza had come in to extract the scientists, me and Monika were on  our way up, taking another stairwell upwards, keeping our eyes sharp.  We reached the landing and slipped in quietly, making our way down the cavernous hallway.  Eerie darkness flooded the hall, the only light from a few flickering bulbs.  At the end of the hallway, we reached a door, clearly more grand than the others.  Nodding to each other, Monika tossed a drone to the door, controlling it to go into the room on the other side.  Peering over her side, I saw Xavier, sitting at a desk, typing away at his computer, clearly focused on whatever he was working on.

The two watched as an armed guard approached Xavier, showing him something on a small device, possibly camera footage or a recording.  Y/N watched as his eyebrows scrunched, signaling displeasure, and slammed his computer shut.

"How did Rainbow find us!!!"  he demanded, grabbing a rifle from a rack on the wall.  "We made sure the place was hidden!"

"I say we go in now"  Y/N whispered, IQ nodding in agreement.  Quickly, Y/N rammed the door open with his shoulder, and IQ quickly killed off the guard in the room, and shot Xavier's trigger hand, disabling him. 

"Rainbow Rats"  Xavier muttered, putting his hands up.  "How did you-"

"Your doctor spilled the goods"  IQ spoke sternly, her weapon trained on Xavier.  "Thanks for almost killing us by the way"  Xavier smirked, chuckling afterwards.

"So you're that blonde from the boat?  You put up a hell of a fight, I'll say that"  Xavier looked over at Y/N, who had his hand on his ear, radioing the team flying above.  "That makes you the one that I fought in the hold with Kali.  Unless you weren't on the boat"

"No I was"  Y/N spoke in monotone, speaking something into his mic.  "You've got a long sentence awaiting you, my friend,"  Xavier chuckled, shifting over onto the small rug in front of the desk.  He held a face of mixed pleasure and fear, and Y/N could see he was trying to hide the fear portion.

"Don't Move!!!"  IQ shouted, keeping her weapon trained on his head.

"Why can't we kill him?"  Y/N asked, really wanting to end this guy for the suffering he's caused.

"Eliza said to bring him alive.  What the hell for, I don't know"  IQ shrugged, pulling out a pair of handcuffs.  Xavier smirked.

"Rainbow fools".  With that, the floor he was under gaveway, taking the carpet, and Xavier with it, down a, from what Y/N could see, slide. 

"SHIT!"  IQ yelled, running up to the trapdoor.

"Y/N to Eliza, Xavier got away via trapdoor"  Y/N radioed as IQ jumped down the chute after Xavier.  Y/N sighed at his girlfriend's impulsive action.  "Always on the move" he muttered, jumping in after her.

A/N:  seeing as how 2 stories at once is a lot to manage with life, I'm pausing the Nokk story to finish this one up.  Nokk story will resume upon this story's completion, which will only be a few more chapters.  Hope you all enjoy!

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