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My head spun and ached as I was slammed into the training mat for the fifth time in a row.  Not giving up, I pushed myself back up and got into a fighting stance, only to return to the floor yet again.  I was growing weak and irritated, of course, but I kept my cool, and got back up.

"Stop going for head-on attacks, Monika, it's not working for you!"  Y/N called in from outside the ring.

"Thanks Y/N" I spoke sarcastically. I was able to dodge Lera's kick, swiping her legs out, and sending her to the mat.  She recovered quickly, however, and regained her stance.  Before I could do anything more, she had me by the neck, and brought me down to a knee, then both my knees, as I struggled to get her off me, and to breath.

"C'mon, Monika, tap out!"  Y/N spoke out.  My stubbornness got the best of me and I didn't tap out, struggling to stay conscious.

"Monika you're not winning, just tap out"  Eliza spoke.  I struggled for a few more seconds before giving in, and tapping Lera's right forearm repeatedly.  She let me go, and I fell on the mat, gasping for air.  I saw Y/N enter from the corner of my eye and help me up to my feet.  I breathed a heavy breath, and grabbed my water, walking out of the ring and plopping down on a bench, sipping at my water.  Y/N leaned on the wall next to me, giving my shoulder a small massage, to which I enjoyed a bit too much.  Eliza sat down next to me and handed me an apple, to which I gladly accepted, and held it in my mouth as I slipped on my sneakers and began tying them aggressively. 

"You okay?"  Y/N asked me.  I let out a dry chuckle.

"Do I look okay?"  I asked.

"Not really"  I nodded to him and finished lacing up my sneaker.  As I did, I saw Eliza giving me a look, one that I knew, and hated.  I slowly shook my head and took the apple out of my mouth, taking a bite.  "Don't say it"  I warned her.

"You got whooped, girl" she chuckled.  I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't get 'whooped'" I spoke up.

"Then what was it?  Seems you didn't have control of the fight".  I shrugged.

"I dunno, guess I got distracted?" 

"You?  Distracted?"  Y/N asked.  "Please.  We all know that's impossible"

"Then I dunno!"  I retorted, sitting up quick, and exiting in a hurry.


I stared at the door that Monika burst out through, questioning what had just happened.  I look over at Eliza, who had the same, questioning expression plastered on her face.  We shared a look, and both knew that we should check up on her.  Something wasn't right.

After about half an hour of searching the base grounds, and stopping a fight between the Bosak sisters, Eliza and I finally found Monika.  She sat outside the base grounds, on a park bench, overlooking a small pond.  I never noticed this space was even here, probably because I never went out BEHIND the base.  Eliza and I shared a look, and we both took a seat on either side of Monika.  For a bit, nothing was said between us.  The only knowledge we had that we were alive was when Monika leaned in and laid on me.  I had my arm around her, and wanted to say something, but nothing came.  Thankfully, Eliza started the conversation.

"Monika...what's up?  You okay?"  she asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.  I felt Monika shudder in my arms, so I held her a bit closer.  I then felt a bet of a wet sensation around my chest, which was where her head was laid.  Tears.  She was crying, which meant something was really wrong.  I gently pull her onto my lap, and wrap both my arms around her, holding her close to me.

"Monika, it's okay, we're here for you"  I promised her, talking light.  I rubbed her back a bit, making sure she was comfortable.  I felt the wet sensation deepen, meaning she was crying more.

"I just...I dunno" she spoke, softly.

"What about?" Eliza asked, curiously.

"Everything" she spoke.  I just sat there, holding her as she let loose her tears.  I exchanged glances with Eliza, and she knew that we just needed some time.

"I'm gonna head back"  Eliza spoke, getting up.  "Feel better Monika".  Monika smiled at her and nodded.  Eliza took her leave and it was just me and Monika on the bench, looking out into the small patch of wilderness.  It was very peaceful, serene even.  It was somewhere I could see myself going to just relax, get away from it all.  I felt Monika's weight on me increase, and I look over and see she's asleep, leaning on me pretty heavily.  I smiled at how cute and peaceful she looked, and promised myself to make it my mission to determine what it was that was putting her in a slump and terminate it.

About a half hour later, Monika woke up, rubbing her eyes and looking up at me.  I smiled back down at her, to which she also smiled, and snuggled into me.  I rubbed her back a bit, earning a few small moans to slip from her mouth, which I found really hot.  I had to refocus myself on making sure she was okay, and not of...other things.

"You wanna talk about whats going on?" I asked her cautiously.  She let out a small sigh and sat up, looking at me.  I could see sadness in her eyes, which immediately made me pretty worried.

"I'm just...stressed" she let out, laying back on me.  I stroked her hair as I talked to her.

"Stressed?"  I asked her.

"This job is pretty stress-inducing"  she spoke, flatly.  I had to admit, she does have a point:  This job can get pretty stressful at times, especially on a mission...and wondering if your friends and loved ones will even return.

"Why didn't you tell me?"  I asked her.  She shrugged.

"I figured if I just buried it away, it'll go away" 

"You know that's only how things grow, right?"  I asked, raising an eyebrow.  She sighed and nodded.

"I know.  I just..."

"I know, it's okay"  I promised her, holding her close to me, and stroking her hair as we looked out at the sunset.

A/N: sorry for such a late update!!  I will work on getting a more scheduled update list soon so you can continue to enjoy this story!  Thanks so much for the support!

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