Clearing the Mind

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"Harry, I don't think that's necessary"  Monika spoke, still in a bit of disbelief.

"I feel it is, Monika.  The body, both physically and mentally, can't function right on constant work.  It needs rest"  Harry reasoned, typing something into his computer.

"He's right babe"  I spoke up.  "Rest is important, and you seriously need it"  Monika shot me a dirty look.

"I just took one like a few months ago.  When you first got here"  she countered.

"And, since then, basically all you've done is work and train"  Harry came back, closing his laptop.  "Take a week, Monika, Y/N as well.  Take a vacation, on me, and just relax"


"Babe, please.  I don't want you to strain yourself-"

"I don't strain myself"

"You know what i mean"  I sighed and looked back at Harry.

"Monika, I am having you go on a small break.  As head of this organization, it's my duty to make sure you all get what you need, and right now, you need some rest time.  Don't worry, you'll still get paid for the time off.  Just take it, then when you two get back, we can worry about Xavier again"  he smiled, looking at me and Monika.

".....fine"  Monika sighed.  I hugged her a little bit, smiling.

"Where would you like to go?"  Harry asked, re-opening his laptop.

"So long as it's not cold and/or rainy, anywhere"  Monika spoke, flatly.  Harry hummed and looked something up on his laptop.

"How about the Philippines?"  he asks.

"Monika?"  I ask.  She nods.

"Sounds good"  she spoke, looking around.  Harry sees this and sighs a bit.

"Monika I know you're stressed a bit, and I get that.  That's why I'm sending you guys on a vacation, as a recovery.  Collect your thoughts, and come back strong, alright?"  he smiled at her.  Sighing, she nodded, seeming to accept defeat.  I lightly put my arm around her.

"We'll have a good time babe.  A relaxing one"  I spoke softly to her.  Sighing again, she nodded.

"Right then, tickets for travel and rooms are booked, flight is at 11AM tomorrow morning, you'll return in 5 days, return flight is also at 11AM"  Harry summed up.  We thanked him, and went to our room to pack.  The entire way there, Monika was pretty down.  I understand completely her emotions, failing a mission is tough on the mind.  We get to our room, and she immediately crashed onto the couch, stomach down.  I sit down next to her and run my hand through her hair soothingly.

"It's okay Monika.  We're human, we make mistakes-"

"There's no room for mistakes in our occupation Y/!!"  she countered.  "We slip up, somebody dies"  I sighed.  She had a point there.

"No one died this time Monika-"

"What about next time!?"

"Monika there won't be a next time"  I soothed, stroking her hair.

"H-how do you know?"  She moved a bit so that she was laying in my lap.  I smiled and held her.

"Because you are amazing at what you do.  You train overly hard everyday to be the best you that you can be, and it pays off greatly.  You're amazing, Monika, period.  Stop doubting yourself, okay?"  I spoke, pulling her into a hug.  She sniffled and nodded, crying a bit into me.  I held her close as she cried, making sure she was comfortable.  I hated seeing her so down, so upset.  It broke my heart.  I was determined to use this vacation to make her happy, to turn her frown into a smile.

"I...I'm sorry"  she spoke after a while, her voice sounding raw.  I looked to her and kissed her forehead lovingly.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Monika.  Now come on.  We got some packing to do

A/N:  Hello!  So long since I've touched this story I know, but I'm coming back to it, and gonna be working hard on it to get it good!  Apologies for the long wait!

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