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I sat in the waiting room area of Gustave's office with my head in my hands, crying lightly.  What happened to Y/N?  Why did he just try and kill Taina?  I had witnessed the whole event, and it seemed like he was having a very traumatic flashback, but still, why Taina?  I heard someone grumble and sit down in a seat across from me, and lifted my head enough to see Taina had sat down and was looking at me, with a neutral expression.  I just sighed and looked away.

"How can you defend him?"  she spoke after a minute.  I knit my eyebrows, wiping my tears.

"What?"  I choked out.

"How can you defend what he did?  He tried to kill me!"

"He's going through something!"  I shouted back, bringing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.  "He had some kind of horrific experience in the army or Spartans, and it's just...getting the better of him"

"Doesn't explain what he did'' she spoke flatly, drawing her knife, and playing with it.  A minute later, Gustave came out with Harry.  They seemed to have been discussing something.  I hope everything was okay.

"Before anyone asks, Y/N is fine.  He should wake up any minute"  Gustave clarified, giving me some relief.  The feeling wasn't mutual in Taina however.

"Does he have to?"  she asked, glaring at Gustave, a sour tone clear in her voice.  Harry sighed, cutting in.

"When he wakes up we'll have him explain everything.  Monika has informed me that going through something"  he spoke, taking a seat next to me.  "I promise you Monika, we'll make sure Y/N is fully okay and well"

"Thank you"  I spoke softly.

"So we're just letting this go!?"  Taina shrieked.  "Need I remind you all, HE TRIED TO KILL ME!"

"Unwillingly"  Gustave spoke up, checking notes on his clipboard.  Taina stared at him blankly.

"HOW CAN SOMEONE TRY AND KILL SOMEONE ELSE UNWILLINGLY!?!?"  she shouted, her rage clear on her face.  Her question was answered with Y/N walking out of the room, wearing what he had on under his armor, which consisted of a t-shirt and thin basketball shorts. 

"Y/N!"  I cried out, standing up and running over to him, half jumping into his arms.  He caught me easily, and held me close as I let some tears go down my face.  "Y/N you need to tell us!  Tell me!  What's going on?"  I asked, choking up again, as he walked us over to one of the benches.

"I owe everyone here an explanation"  he sighed.  "And I owe Taina a massive-ass apology."

"I like the foul language.  Go on"  Taina nodded, still straight-faced.  Y/N sighed shakilly, and ran his hands down his face,

"This is still hard to talk about,"  he muttered.

"Just take your time"  Harry smiled, patting his shoulder while I clung onto him.

"...Operation Blood Beach is what happened"  he blurted out, closing his eyes and letting the tears flow.  It was silent for a few seconds, until a light clatter was heard.  We looked over and saw Taina looking at Y/N, her eyes wide, and her knife was on the floor.

"That was YOU?!"  she asked, voice full of surprise.  Y/N sniffled.

"W-what was me?"  he asked.  Taina sighed and got up, walking over to us.  Without warning, she wrapped her arms around Y/N.

"I...I'm sorry Y/N.  For how I treated you earlier, and for what happened in Brazil.  None of your friends deserved it"  she spoke, softer than I have ever heard her.

" know of Blood Beach?"  Harry asked.  Taina nodded, letting go of Y/N.

"All of BOPE does, except, we refer to it as 'The Brazilian Massacre', due to the amount of American troops who were brutally killed off in cold blood, and for no good reason."  she explained.  I was shocked.  Y/N went through something seriously severe.  I held him closer to me, determined not to let him go for anything.


"Yes Y/N?  I'm here".  He sighed.

"After today, I totally understand if you don't think things will work out between-"  I knew what he was going to say, so I cut him off with a kiss on his lips, kissing deep as hell, right in front of the others.  He was mine, and I was marking my territory.  After a solid minute or two, I released his mouth from mine, held him close, and looked him in the eye.

"Never say that again, you hear me?"  I spoke, sternly.  "I want you, and only you, Y/N.  I don't care what kinda past you have.  You're my future, like it or not".  He smiled slightly, and melted into the embrace.  It was then I saw the other's expressions.  Gustave was as surprised as they came, as he stood eyes wide and jaw on the floor.  Harry bore a small smirk, giving a face that said 'I knew it!'. 

"Since when was this" Taina motioned between me and Y/N "a thing?"

"Since least, I thought so"  Y/N admitted.

"You only thought so?"  I asked.

"Well, we never declared anything so I didn't know what to believe,"  he shrugged.  I decided to kiss him again, because, well, I love kissing him.  I broke off the kiss, and smiled at him.

"That enough declaration?"  I smirked.  He nodded, face of pure shock, to which I laughed lightly, and rested my head on his shoulder, wrapping both my arms around him.

"Young Y/N, if you don't mind,"  Harry spoke up.  "I believe you were in the middle of explaining this...Operation: Blood Beach?  Y/N sighed.

"Yeah, I was"

A/N: sorry for the short chapter! Wanted to make it longer but didn't have the strength. Next one will have more substance. Anyway hope y'all enjoyed!

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