Thoughts on the Beach

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As Y/N laid there naked on the soft sands of the beach, Monika in his arms, also naked, he stopped to think about Team Rainbow, and how his life had changed since he had joined.  He had met a group of talented and amazing individuals, and had found the love of his life.  He glanced over at the engagement ring on IQ's finger, the brilliant green of the emerald glistening in the sunset.  The array of orange, pink, and yellow created a magnificent gleam across the crystal waters.  He really couldn't be happier right now, and he hoped that so far, their vacation had made IQ feel the same way:  relaxed, de-stressed, and happy.

As IQ began to stir cutely, Y/N held her a bit closer, making sure she would be comfortable in his arms as she woke.  Her face became visible as she turned her head to the side and laid it back down on his chest, eyes still closed.  After a content sigh, she wiggled her hips a bit, teasing him slightly, and clung onto him tighter.

"Seems someone woke up needy"  Y/N chuckled lightly as IQ yawned and stretched, playfully slapping his arm.

"You're the one still inside me.  If anything, I'd say you're needy"  she giggled, booping his nose.

"Would you have opposed it if I wasn't?"  Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes"  IQ answered immediately.  Y/N chuckled, holding her closer.

"There ya go"  IQ smirked and grabbed her phone off the beach towel, and checked it, answering some messages.  "Dom being Dom again"

"What he do now?"  Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Somehow got Vincente ticked"  she chuckled, sitting up.

"Oh boy"  he smirked.  As the two got up and got dressed, they watched the sun fall into the horizon, the evening turning into night.  A crisp, yet warm breeze blew over them, the wind carrying IQ's hair to the side, a sight that made Y/N awe in beauty.  He had a true queen, and one he would do anything for.  He smiled and glanced again at the ring on her finger, reminding himself that he had made the big move, and that they would be spending their lives together...a thought that made him smile like a kid on Christmas.

"Back to the hotel, or you got a destination in mind?"  IQ asked, bringing Y/N back to a sense of reality.  Blinking a few times, he looked at her with his full attention.

"Hm?"  he asked.  IQ giggled and walked up to him, standing on her tiptoes and kissing his cheek.

"I asked if you had a plan or just wanna go back to the hotel"  she asked, taking his hand as they started walking back up the beach.  "I mean we only got a few days left here-"

"-we should make the most of it"  Y/N finished, kissing his new fiance on the cheek.  IQ smiled at him.

"We should"

Scanned (IQ x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now