Moving in

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Second to last part! Hope you all enjoy! Once this is done I'll be working on my Nøkk story again!

-3rd person POV-

-A few months later-

IQ walked into her and Y/N's shared dorm with some papers in her hand.  Papers that made her smile greatly.  Closing the door behind her, she tossed the rook key into a glass bowl beside the door, throwing off her shoes and heading in.

"Why the big smile?"  Y/N asked, pausing his game.  IQ just smiled brighter and sat down next to him, holding the papers tighter.  "Was the therapy with Gustave that great today?"

"No, silly.  I mean, yeah it was okay, but look!"  She laid out the papers in front of him, making sure he could see the tops of them well.  As Y/N read them over, his eyes widened.

"Monika, this is a deed!"

"Yes"  she couldn't contain her happiness.

"D-do we own a house?"  he asked.  IQ smiled.

"Well, a large apartment.  Right off base, courtesy of Harry.  Apparently we're getting a lotta newbies in, so all us long-time ops get our own spaces!"  Y/N crashed IQ in a huge hug, holding her close and kissing her too.  He knew she had always wanted to live together in their own place, and while an apartment wasn't exactly what was in mind, it was a nice start.

"When do we move in?"

"Soon.  VERY soon.  Like by Saturday we should be settled in"

"Like 3 days Saturday!?"  Y/N asked, sitting up quick.  IQ shrugged.

"More like 2 days, cause its almost midnight now."  she giggled.  Y/N sighed a bit, chuckling.

"Guess we gotta start as soon as training is over.  Hopefully Eliza doesn't make it too physically demanding"

-the next day-

"'Liza"  Y/N panted, trying to catch his breath.  "We really had to run five laps around base?"

"Keep your heart rate up Y/N"  Ash smirked, looking between all the ops.  After she dismissed them, she went up to Y/N and IQ, who were talking to Thermite, all had towels draped around their shoulders.

"Oh, Liza!"  IQ shouted with joy.  "We're next to each other in the apartments!"  IQ crashed Ash in a hug as Y/N and Thermite fist bumped.  This was caught by Ash, who groaned a bit.

"Y/N and Jordan living as neighbors?" she muttered.  IQ raised an eyebrow.

"No burning things down!"  the blonde shouted at the guys.  Thermite laughed it off.

"Weren't planning to"  he chuckled as the four headed off back to their rooms.  IQ and Y/N took a quick shower together, followed by a few hours of packing their things and making sure that they had packed everything.  They did a second, then a third, and a fourth sweep of the dorm, making sure everything was out.

"Well?"  Y/N asked, wrapping his arm around the blonde.  IQ took one last look around the room.  She felt a bit sour leaving it.  It was the room she had since joining Rainbow with the GSG.  Never switched for another.  It felt odd to her to leave her old room, but it meant the start of new things.  Smiling a bit, she looked up at Y/N.

"Think we're ready".  A bit later, the two were joined by Ash and Thermite, the four helping each other move into their new apartments, Y/N and Thermite stopping every few minutes to set up some gaming setup component, which drove the girls crazy. 

"Don't you have enough LEDs?"  Ash asked, bringing in a box of bedsheets.

"No such thing"  Y/N answered, plugging in another strand around his desk.  From the kitchenette, IQ called Ash over.  The redhead set the box down and headed over, leaning against the wall.

"I honestly didn't think life would get this good,"  IQ admitted, sipping some water.  Ash nodded, looking over at Y/N and Thermite chatting away.

"Or we'd be with such doofuses"  she added, chuckling.  IQ laughed a bit as well, enjoying a small break from carrying boxes and unpacking.  The whole moving process was a lot, especially since a lot of other operators were also moving into the new buildings.  IQ noted that many of them were couples, though a few were moving in as roommates.  Some stayed back to help train the newbies, while most of the others wanted the new living spaces.

"So we're neighbors but, who's next to us?"  IQ asked, finishing her water, washing out the cup.  Ash made a hmmm sound, before clicking her tongue.

"No idea, they haven't yet moved in, nor was I informed."  The rest of the day was taken up by the four of them moving into the two new apartment rooms.  It took most of the day to get the 4 operators all moved in, but by sundown, the four were hanging out in Ash and Thermite's dorm, sipping beers and chatting.

"Well, all said and done"  Y/N spoke, raising his drink.  "To new, uh, living conditions"  the group laughed and toasted to the odd proposal, sipping and enjoying the time together.  A bit later, there was a knock on the door.

"I got it!"  IQ spoke up, hopping over to the door and opening it.  "Oh hi Gustave!"

"Hello Monika!  Came to see our new neighbors"  the doctor chucked.  IQ cocked her head.

"New neighbors?"  she asked.

"Yep"  Doc nodded.  "We're right across the hall from you guys".  At this point, the other three had come to the door

"Least we can come over if the boys hit each other too hard"  Ash smirked, both Y/N and Thermite giving her annoyed glances.

"Wait, who's 'we'?" IQ asked, as someone else walked up to them.

"We"  Caveira spoke up, sliding into place next to Doc.  IQ raised her eyebrow, while the rest just stood in shock.

"Well well, ya French boy, ya finally asked her out"  she laughed.

"Was about damn time,"  Caveira added.  Doc chuckled, rubbing his neck.

"I get nervous okay?" 

"That's reassuring, coming from the team's head medic"  Y/N smirked.  Doc stared him down.

"Alright, Americano, you and me, the ring, mano y mano"

"Bring it"  Y/N agreed, the two seeming to passive-aggressively butt heads. 

"Save it for the ring"  Ash sighed, getting between them.  "We all just moved in, and I'm not sure about you all, but I'm exhausted."
"No, you're not wrong," IQ agreed.  "I think we should pack it in and call it a night"  The group all agreed, and soon were back in their rooms, sound asleep, all except IQ.  Sure she was tired, but the feeling of being in a new apartment, just her and Y/N, excited her.  She felt like they finally had their life, while also being around everyone else.  She knew that the end of the 2nd floor hallway would become lively as ever, with Y/N and Thermite running amuck, her, Ash, and Caveira, and maybe also Doc, trying to stop them from breaking something.  She smiled more at the thought.  She loved that the 6 of them had formed a small group, and she knew once Bandit and Valkyrie were finished training some new recruits they would move in next to Ash and Thermite.  It made it hard to sleep, but the steadiness of Y/N's breathing really made her feel sleepy, and some time later, she was out snoring.

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