Confessing Feelings

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-3rd Person POV-

Lunch between the two was silent, for the most part.  Some eye contact was shared between them, and a few times, some light conversation was had, but otherwise, the only sounds from their table were the sounds of their spoons clanking in their bowls.  After lunch, the two made their way to the lounge, where the FBI and GSG-9 ops were hanging out, chatting up a storm.  Blade sat down in a recliner, while IQ assumed a spot next to Ash, who was resting her head on Thermite's shoulder, and laughing at the conversation.  'I hope Y/N and I can start dating soon'  IQ thought, looking over at Ash and Thermite.  'I really just wanna snuggle into him soooo bad and-'

"What do you think Monika?"  someone asked, and the room got silent.  IQ snapped into reality, and saw the entire room, Blade included, looking in her direction.

"Uuuuhhhh...what?"  she asked, leaning back into the couch.

"What do you think?"  Bandit asked again, looking in her direction.

"A-about what?  I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention"  she admitted, looking nervous at being called out.

"About the waterpark?"  Bandit chuckled as he asked.  "The seven of us want to head out to the waterpark in like half an hour.  You and Y/N wanna tag along?"  he asked, looking between the two.  Blade shrugged from his seat on the recliner.

"I'm down"  he nodded, leaning forward.

"Sure I guess"  IQ nodded, sneaking a glance at Blade, in which they locked eyes for a second before both looked away. 

"You two seriously just need to hook up already"  Ash whispered to IQ, nodding subtly in Blade's direction.  IQ sighed slightly, and looked over to Ash.

"I'm working on it,"  she promised the redhead.  "Good things take time"

"I'll say,"  Thermite muttered, earning another good smack upside the head from his girlfriend.

"Hush Jordan!  Or no 'fun' tonight"  she smirked, giving Thermite a seductive glare.  IQ chuckled at the pouty face Thermite was making, and looked back over to Blade, who was talking with Jager.  'Guess they got introduced' she thought.  Not a minute later, Bandit spoke up, getting the group's attention.

"Alright, I just got our tickets.  We're gonna be there past sundown, so bring a jacket if you want.  They have towels there, as well as food and drinks"  he announced to the group.  The Americans, Blade included, began cheering, while the Germans bore huge smiles on their faces, ready for an evening at the waterpark.  Soon after, the group split and headed to their rooms to grab whatever they wanted to bring with them.  Blade had changed into his swimming shorts, and threw on a water shirt.  He now laid on his bed, scrolling through his phone, waiting for IQ to finish getting ready.  Looking up from his phone, he saw the bathroom door still closed, indicating that she was still getting ready.  Blade looked back to his phone, and decided to load up Minecraft.  After about 10 minutes of working on his survival world, IQ came out of the bathroom, and Blade couldn't help but stare.  She had on her green tank top from yesterday, paired with navy-blue short shorts, all covering her, from what he could see, a lime green swimsuit.  She also had on her aviators, resting above her eye level, and had a hoodie sling over her shoulder.

"Ready?"  she asked, snapping him out of staring.

"Y-yeah, I'm ready"  he nodded, hopping up, and grabbing his ACDC hoodie before leaving the room, locking it after IQ.


I'll be honest, it's really getting hard for me to keep my shields online.  Monika has been trying to deactivate them since she found out about them.  I see nothing wrong with that, but I just still need time to recover from Operation: Blood Beach.  When I do open up, I'll be sure to mention the whole incident to Monika.  Speaking of Monika, she suddenly stopped, turned to face me, and looked me dead in the eyes.

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